Pro Tools Mbox


New member
I'm thinking of moving into Pro Tools but starting out with the Mbox...since I only record one track (2 if doing stereo) at a time, the inputs are just fine with me. I came over to this forum thinking I'd get a barrage of advice/ideas about this system but can't seem to find any mention of Pro Tools hardly at all. Does no one use the system anymore and if not, what happened to the popularity?

I'm currently using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 with a Lexicon Core 2 sound card, but my sound quality is crap (I'm sure because of the card and poor system config) but figured what the hell, why not jump into the "Photoshop" of the audio world...or am I totally missing something here?

As far as the system config, I'm totally upgrading that as well. Going to an ASUS P4B533 - P4 2.4GHz and 1Gig of RAM. I have a thirty-something gig Western Digital hard drive, but thinking on moving over to Maxtor, but that's a seperate issue. I pretty much have my heart set on the Pro Tools Mbox, unless a few people can give me a really good reason not to. The lack of posts having to do with it concerns me. Thanks for the info in advance.
While there are some PT users on the board, most here use the 001, a few Mix/TDM and me, well, I use Free.:D There was a thread here by some trying to get a PT forum happening. I'm all for it as long as it doesn't turn into a Mac vs PC flame-fest.

I don't think I've ever seen a post on here from anyone using the M-Box.

You might want to head over to the DUC and see what's happening over there.;)
there is an anti-PT group around here, no doubt. And it is simply because they lack understanding...but I will leave that alone.

The MBOX is EXCELLENT. I use it on my iBook and I love it.

I also have the 001 and the AudiomediaIII. Can't go wrong.
The core2 is not that bad of a card. I was using it until I got a delta 1010 and got some pretty good results. As for the MBox I don't know ;)
Oh I didn't mean the Core2 was a "bad" card. I recorded my first album with it's just my system is so outdated and bogged down that I may as well upgrade everything while I can. And the cord from my break out box pops like crazy now, but didn't when I first got it. Thanks for all the advice all.
Clark, I meant to ask you (love the user name BTW), since you have both am I correct that the Mbox and 001 are the exact same thing in terms of "guts" with the exception of ins/outs and that the 001 has more expandability capabilities than the Mbox? After thinking about my recording only one/two tracks at a time, I realized DUH, I have a drum set to record one day too.
well, "they" say the preamps are actually better in the Mbox. My shitty hears don't hear that big a difference.

The 001 is for you if you want to record multi-simul...
Hi Clark,

I too really dig the name.

Anyway - I came soo close to getting the mbox the other day so excited about using my laptop with it - only to find it won't work with the Dell Inspirion model. Uggh.

So - I'm probably going to sell it and pick up an iBook and was wondering if you can tell me what model ibook you use - and what's a minimum machine I could comfortably use with it?

My biggest beef with the otherwise excellent Mbox is the non-existent plug in package it doesn't come with. :(

The Mbox is a darn good deal for the money and Pro Tools 5.3.3 is good software, but plugins for it are expen$ive!!!

And don't think too much about getting cracked plugs- they aren't out there.

The plugs that it comes with are on the par with what other software packages come with, it just costs a bit (a lot) more to buy better ones. Be warned.

If you are serious about getting into pro tools long term then its worth the investment in plugs. Its not like VST or DX stuff, though, that you can use with just about everything else. Pro Tools stuff only works with Pro Tools stuff. Period. Be warned.

I bought the 002 for that very reason- almost $3000 worth of plugins came with it.

Also, there is more support for Pro Tools for Mac than for PC, but with the advent of Windows XP, the old stigma of PT on PC being unstable is gone- at least for PT LE. I can't speak for the TDM systems.

Take care,
Forgot to add...

Digidesign tech support and service are SUPERB.

My 002 (a floor model I bought in November) stopped working and they overnighted a new one to me. I packed mine up in the same box and shipped it back at their expense. Fed Ex even drove out here in the sticks to pick it up.

The new model had taken a hit in transportation and had some minor cosmetic damage and a few loose buttons, but it worked perfectly. They overnighted me another one and the Fed Ex guy came bumping down my long driveway again to pick up the first.

Total amount of time I spent on the phone: 30 minutes

Total amount of time I spent without a working 002: 1 day

I'm impressed. I expected second class service since its an LE device, but I didn't get it. I guess that's part of why it costs so much. Its the first time since going semi-pro with my recording that I needed service and I'm VERY happy that I got it.

Take care,
MBox, Computers and Plugins

MBox now can be purchased as a bundle with some cool plugins. Not everything you'll need but worth WAY more than the $100 you'll pay for them. I have a 002 running on my G4 and I'm about to get a Powerbook and an MBox for the portability.
*Computer thoughts - !Get at least 512mb RAM!, keep screen size in mind because that space is valuable when you're doing a lot of edits or looking at the whole mix. My last piece of advice for all pro tools users is learn the keyboard shortcuts. It makes life way too easy.

Also on the subject of plugins: I bought the Waves Native Powerpack and it is awesome! $375 for some really good plugins and I've found they actually use less RAM than the digirack plugins that came with PT LE.
I have and used an Mbox for a long time and was happy with it. I've since upgraded to a Digi 002R to get additional channels. If that is limiting to you (e.g., you want to record drums) then you may want to look at a different interface. The newer versions of Protools LE software do not support the 001, so you're left with one of the the 002 interfaces--the rack or the digital mixer version. It might be worth checking out the new M-Audio interfaces that are compatible with Protools LE for something in between.
My biggest beef with the otherwise excellent Mbox is the non-existent plug in package it doesn't come with.

The Mbox is a darn good deal for the money and Pro Tools 5.3.3 is good software, but plugins for it are expen$ive!!!

And don't think too much about getting cracked plugs- they aren't out there.
I spent $79 on the fxpansion VST-to-RTAS adapter, that was the best $79 I ever spent.

It lets me run every VST plugin and VSTi instrument I have in Pro Tools. I haven't found one yet that doesn't work. Once you spend that $79 (at, head over to KVR Audio at . Once there you can find thousands of free and/or very cheap plugins and instruments. Many of the free ones are very good, including Kjaerhus audio's free "classic" line, and synths like Krystal. I use almost exclusively free plugins now, augmented by a few pricey ones from the old days.