Pro tools dilemma


New member
I've been using an old version of pro tools on an old laptop with windows xp. Just upgraded to a new computer with windows 7. I do very basic recording for the most part. It seems that i'll have to pay substantially to update my program for windows 7. Would anyone comment on maybe starting over with a different recording software instead of pro tools & mbox to save some money?
Just slightly off topic, but can't windows 7 be run as windows XP as an emulation? I am kind of asking as I will soon be upgrading the XP pro machine in the studio with a new one and this will probably have windows 7, I am worried that some of the software will not run on 7, so I am planing to run the 7 as XP if there is a problem.

However I have never been a fan of pro tools, not because of the software (it is a great software) but because once you are in the grip (the tentacles get you) of protools there always seems to be an upgrade, version release, must have this, to spend your money on. A lot of guys here just use reaper but as Jim said Studio One is getting good reviews.
