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Is it necessary to attached/buy SCSI HardDisk on my computer for partialing the audio storage even if I have lots-lots HD Space....and also what's the Pros & Cons regarding that...!???
And also What is the best company Brand which producing that stuff for under $300...?
Last..what about Seagate cheetah...??is 1GB is enough ?

Thanks for your attention & waiting for your suggestion !
First off, What do you considder lots of hard drive space? Empty 20gigs! Generally speaking The more hard drive pace the better. With the ratio of price and performance you can buy a W.D 20 gig hard drive for about $250.00 <IDE format> which will handle 8 track recording easily.
No matter how big your hard drive is, the crucial element is the speed of the hard drive. If you use IDE drives (PC-based DAW), I suggest that you get one that runs at 7200 rpm (or more, if they exist). For better results, a Hard drive dedicated to your work files is definitely a must.

I also suggest partitioning the hard drive depending on the size, as it makes it easier and faster (formatting instead of defragmenting all the time) when you start a new song/project.
Oy, Daniel - "formatting rather than defragmenting all the time". Can you elaborate?
As you probably know, the objective of defragmenting is to make linear segments of informtation on the hard disk, so that they can be read faster. It is more of an issue on slower drives.

Formatting a partition/drive takes less time to do (< 1 minute) that defragmenting a partition/drive (few minutes to an hour). Therefore, when working on multiple projects on a single drive, unless you are willing to back up to/from DAT/CD each time you switch from project to project, formatting is probably a more convenient way to clean up your drive between projects.

Seems logical to me, but I may be totally off the tracks here. Tell me if this makes any sense.
Sounds logical to me too, but how big are the partitions, and how do you do it?
Defrag ain't that big a deal as long as you
do it while you're not needing your computer.
Although a partition re-format should work.
I just don't trust MS fdisk that much. :(
I might try it the next time I have to wipe it anyway.

Even a geekazoid like myself sleeps sometime.

The main deal is backing up what you must and trashing what you have to on a regular basis.

Ah! Another brilliant moneymaking scheme.
A computer controlled heated incense dispenser that delivers the aroma of ripe fish heads when your drive starts to get full....
Thanks for you guys inputs......

And to be "straight-Strictly" how much the space that will do better ,which not so big & not too small....(is 20 or 30 GB is enough...)???
How to knowing the needs of either the IDE or SCSI HD..?
Which better between those 'two..?
And how exactly the 'needs of GB for 1 (5 minutes) song...??

Can we doing the storage things in straight with my CD-Rec...& is it the same way as burning CD...How....?

How the way doing that "Formatting" things (I'm new here..)....!??

Thanks guys & waiting for your explaination!!