Presonus Studio One entry level $5 today

Opps, just purchased and there is no version for old windows XP, well I will download windows 7 as it is only a matter of time before an upgrade, and it may work anyway?? If I wasted $5 it's just 1 less coffee.

Said WTF and went ahead and bought it and downloaded it, hell for $5.00. Ya can't even get a glass of bong water for $5.00 any more..( reference to my NEWBIE Post couple days ago ) Still testing the waters so to speak, looking for a DAW and Drums and on a budget, Tried Reaper and Mixcraft (trial versions) Right now trying out the 30 day Cubase Element 7..really leaning in that direction, plus I can bug and pester and bother Jimmy69 for Tips n Tricks n Help.
I downloaded 6 different trials and settled on Cubase. Never tried studio one though. $5 why not, right? I also got the guitar transcriber program. That would be great if I could get it to work for me.

And not sure why you'd want it but I could hook you up with a glass of bong water for only $4. :)
I use Studio One and am pretty happy with it. It's pretty easy to navigate and understand although once you get into more advanced routing options for your audio it might be more confusing. A friend was showing me his method in Pro Tools and i couldn't figure out exactly how to recreate it. All in all it's a nice program though, especially for the price. I got it with my mixer and liked it enough to do the upgrades.
Same story here. I got it with a studio live board. I found I could navigate around pretty easy, especially compared to my earlier attempts with other DAWs. I too upgraded and Im completely happy with it.
The sale is over, but I will also jump in here and say Studio One is a great DAW. It's all I use anymore (I paid full price for the Pro version and never looked back).

The free version is... well... FREE, and it offers unlimited tracks and a lot more functionality than one might need to complete a full recording. If you want to upgrade later (supports mp3, better compressors and plug ins, higher resolution audio, mastering "project" suite, etc.) there are a few steps between free and Professional to explore depending on what you think you need.

Try the free version on a song or new project and see if you like it. What do you have to lose, right?

PS - I don't have 10 posts so no links for me. Go to presonus dot com slash products slash studio dash one... Or google it.