Presonus Eureka


New member
I am currently considering buying the Presonus Eureka. And I was just wondering if anyone in here had used it and I would like to have your opinions on whether or not this would be a wise investment. Thank You.
I just bought one from Guitar Center and I got it today. I'd post my first thoughts on it but it was DOA. I'm sure its just my luck and not the norm. From my research its a sound peramp. Not the best and not bad just a solid pre.
It's a goo unit, but I'd look at the Focusrite Twin Trak Pro very closely (for the 2nd channel alone its worth it). But for single channel channelstrips the Eureka is my favorite in this price range. But seriously look at the Twin Track.
The pre in the Eureka is clean and usable...the EQ is only ok..good thing you can switch it out...the compressor is very good...a very decent low range unit...actually the best 'channel strip' for the dollar..ymmv.