Presonus Bluetubes


New member
Well........ as I was searching...... I found a post awile back, and people said that they were going to compare the Bluetube and the ART Tube MP. Anyone ever get around to that??? I want some nice tube pre's, I'm currently using the 4 MP's on my Mackie 1202-VLZ Pro..... and I want something a little nicer, without bleeding me dry......
and I'm VERY close to buying the Bluetube, I'd test one out, but I'd have to take a 2 hour drive to Toronto..... in a car which I don't have =)

So just wondering what everone thinks of this MP =)

plus..... I've heard it can be used as a good DI box for geetar, that true??


I've been comparing the two units this week and the Prosonus looks a little more "prosumer" quality.Yes,it can be used as an active direct box by guitar or bass as well.Plus for just a little more than the price of the one-channel MP1 you get two channels with the Prosonus.The guys I asked were all unanimous about the better qc on the prosonus (former nasa electronics subcontractor).The specs are a little cleaner also.I think that's the way I'm going to go.
Coincidence, indeed

In another thread here, I just asked if anyone know if the Presonus Blue was any quieter than the ART. I'm looking for two channels of clean, quiet preamplification. For its price, I doubt it's much quieter than the ART. Anyone?

I have a blue tube but not an MP, so I can't compare.

The Presonus is just fine.
Sounds a little hokey for direct guitar. Bass works fine.
It's more versatile thatn the mp i/0 wise, and you get two channels for the same price.

I wouldn't expect that sonically that there would be a world of differnce between the MP and the Bluetube. They use the same Sovtek tube.

It's fairly quiet unless you choose to overdrive the tube, which introduces a fair amount of noise. It's just like a tube amp with drive and gain knobs. So you can go clean or dirty and any volume. Has phantom power, phase reversal, and a 10 db pad.

It sounds quite good on vocals with my crusty $70 midnight blues condenser, and with my AT 4033 which I haven't had time to play with much yet.

Don't expect miracles. It's a nice box, but how much better could it be than a tube mp. I read awhile back that gear junky had both and liked the presonus better. I wonder if he still feels the same way now that the euphoria of the purchase has worn off.

I guess if you don't have an MP, get the presonus for sure. Or if you want another MP, get a presonus because of the two channels.

If you already have an MP and are looking for a step up. I dunno?

-Jett Rocker
arg......... exchange rate make Sabith sad =(

****in Canadian dollar......... ok........ $149 American for a Bluetube at which is about $225-230 Canadian. I ask for the price at the one store around here that doesn't HORRIBLY over price things..... its $289..... wtf, pos......

Any fellow Canadians know somewhere I can buy my Bluetube from in Canada???(border fees are killer, I wanna try to avoid ordering across the border). I live in Ontario, but I can get it sent via mail if there is a better place in another province. And I'm currently ordering from Steve's Music. Help needed =)


Price match?

Does that store price match? Most stores would...take a print out from 8street to them and ask if they would. Most likely they would, considering they care about getting your business.
Well.......... they said

"I talked to our manager, and he says.. he will match or better pricing if he is able to.. but he needs more information, Product (and if you can who bettered our price)."

but I would still like to find another place in Canada to compare with, considering how different the US and Canadian dollars are, plus border duty ect...... be nice to just do an easy comparison with 2 Canadian prices.

So where do everyone in B.C., Alberta and Saskatchawan buy there stuff???

Thanks for the help,
