PreSonus Blue Tube....


New member
Mine just arrived a couple days ago.

Does anybody else use/like this thing? So far, I'm a little disappointed at the amount of hiss I'm getting on my recordings. But then I'm still learning all the curves. I'm using it as an in to a Tascam US-224, with an SM57 and another mic that I'm too embarrassed to name 8).

So, is it normal for pre's like this to hiss at ya so much? I've only used the amps in my old Mackie (R.I.P.) for recording, so I'm not at all familiar with these stand-alone amps. I just bought it because the specs looked good and it was real purty.

Maybe I'm turning the gain or drive up too high.
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Russian tubes are the cause. Change the tube to a 12au7 or find an old Mullard or something. I did it and it fully eliminated the hiss I used to have.

you could also turn down the tube drive.
Darrin likes his... I don't like mine. (except for use as a distortion pedal--where I feel that it excels).

I use it rarely and am glad that I don't have to rely on it... any more. As a pre, it works, but probably a dmp3 would be better in that price range. Never changed the tube, probably never will.

Hey, thanks a lot for the feedback.

I've finally had a few hours to experiment today, and found a combination I can live with. I was definitely driving the input too hard and high. Also, changing to the balanced xlr output helped a LOT. It's as clean now as any tape I've ever used, and Cool Edit's noise reduction takes care of the rest.

I no longer consider it a waste of money. Actually, it sounds pretty good!
I've got a couple. I bought the second one because I got a great deal on it. Actually I got a great deal on both. I don't have much to compare to but I like it on vocals with the tube drive almost all the way down (left). I really like it with my bass guitar though. I go with the tube drive 1/2 way up an then just peak it out so that it las a good level out without clipping the input of the next item. Just seems to add fullness to the sound.
The Presonus isnt a bad preamp...but you can do so much more with those $$$$.....a wee bit more and youll have a DMP3 or VTB-1.....

as for noise, my Joe Meek VC3Q has a bit higher of a noise floor than my DMP2, but the character that it adds more than makes up for it......
I tend to put pres in to two catagorys. Clean and colored, and Ive found that I like my clean with more than 2 channels for use with drums. the dmp3 definatly goes in clean, Bluetube colored. So its not a matter of whats better but what sound you want. And I like colored vocals. The Mullard made a drastic difference. now I can crank the tube drive and theres not near the distortion. Im thinking of getting the VTB-1 and putting the Mullard in it.