Premiere 6.0 Vs Vegas


New member
HELP. I have used Sonic Foundry's ACID for a while now and familiar with their interface and philosophy. I own several graphics program and Adobe Photoshop is one the most cryptic program to work with. I have seen Adobe Premiere in shows and was awed by it's power, but the interface looks daunting. I am afraid if I buy this program, most of its power would be wasted because it is so hard to use.

My question is, is Vegas a mature enough program and has the power enough to compete directly with Premiere? Is Vegas powerful and versatile enough like Premiere? Is is any easier to use Vegas?

Thanks for the help. As you know, both programs are not cheap and I can't afford to buy both.
I've never heard of Premier either. I use Vegas- it can run different types of soundfiles at different sample rates/bit depths in one project. It also has very nice editing features and of course works seamlessly with ACID and SoundForge, and has a few built-in plug-ins. It's a pretty good buy.
Oh, and I should add- very very easy to use despite all of it's features. You'll be recording within a half hour of installing it, and I'm no computer or software geek. A nice product if you really want to concentrate on the music. I found that Cakewalk, for example, was not as easy to get going on right away. My $.02 worth.
Adobe Premiere... it's a video editing app, similar to Vegas Video in features, and price, it's been around for years... but it comes from the graphics world, not the audio world.

Adobe's website is