preamps again


New member
i'm hopeless,

i want to purchase a nice preamp and consider these (i need at least 4 channels):

sytek 4's (dunno the real name)
2 x RNP
TL audio 5001 quad
Studio Projects SR828
4 x Rane ms1b

i don't want the m-audio dmp3.....any other suggestions?
i can't spend over 800$ though.

hey fletcher, how good are the pres on the toft channelstrips?

hi again,

sorry you guys, wrong board, should be on the rack

actually 4 rnps would be too expensive and i also would like some versality in my rack.
no i wont get a mixer

mike of sytek is selling them on ebay for 700-890$ sometimes.
i simply cannot afford more than 800$ i'm not a pro engineer yet, i would rather call myself a college student, and you have to draw the line somewhere.
i guess syteks would be the most bang for the buck but i wonder if those tlaudios sound any good.
the brand has a pretty good reputation.

Big Kenny said:
If you can get four channels of sytek for $800 you'll be in great shape

I believe the price of a Sytek is a bit lower if you do not get channels 3 & 4 modded with the Burr Brown chips. Instead you get 4 channels all the same.