Preamp Experiment (Presonus vs. Old Fostex Mixer)


New member
Hey guys,

I don't have any great quality mics or preamps and have been thinking about upgrading lately. One thing I know I want to change is my Presonus Blue Tube DP (the starved-plate tube design has really started to irk me as my knowledge of electronics increases).

To be honest, I've never known if I even needed an external preamp at all, as my interfaces were usually fine enough for the mics/performances I had (Alesis Multimix Firewire and now Zoom R24). Sometimes I find myself in need of a bit more gain, so that's where the Blue Tube came out of its box.

However, I've also got a Fostex 812 mixer (came with my Fostex R8 reel to reel), so tonight I a/b'd the Presonus into the R24 vs. the 812 into the R24 just using some low gain mics (SM58, Apex 210 ribbon). Low and behold, the 812 won hands down (even at completely flat EQ settings---with a subtle tweak there it's no contest).

Anyway, I guess I'll dust the 812 off a little more often! The Blue Tube is officially craigslist bound...
Hey P

You don't have to craigslist it. How much you looking to get for it? Sell it here.

Not a bad idea. My only worry is that, being in Canada, the shipping would be too expensive for people. Also, Blue Tubes are a bit more expensive new up here, so I imagine the re-sale value in the US is lower...what's a reasonable price for an in-the-box unit that's hardly seen any use?

I've also got a Novation XioSynth 25 I've been trying to unload as well as a Chicago Iron Octavian Plus fuzz/octave pedal. Ha. It's time for some gear changes!