Preamp Demo


New member
Here with another noob question, I figured this was a good section to post, hopefully its not a problem.

Is there a thread or site or someone that could give me a sample of say, a snare drum, that was tracked with a decent mic (say a 57) and without a preamp, and then the same instrument tracked with the same mic but also with a preamp?

I'm in the process of building up my home studio, and I've done enough research to learn that you dont necessarily NEED preamps when you are starting out and learning and what not, but I also know that you cant get the best possible sound without one.

At this point I'm still a little confused as to EXACTLY what a preamp does in terms of the difference in sound quality. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here with another noob question, I figured this was a good section to post, hopefully its not a problem.

Is there a thread or site or someone that could give me a sample of say, a snare drum, that was tracked with a decent mic (say a 57) and without a preamp, and then the same instrument tracked with the same mic but also with a preamp?

I'm in the process of building up my home studio, and I've done enough research to learn that you dont necessarily NEED preamps when you are starting out and learning and what not, but I also know that you cant get the best possible sound without one.

At this point I'm still a little confused as to EXACTLY what a preamp does in terms of the difference in sound quality. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

With the exception of the few line-level mics that have been made, all mics need a preamp. I think you have the of an on-board preamp vs no preamp confused.
Right, thats my bad for not being clear enough. I understand that the mackie board has preamps, and my tascam also has preamps, but the ones I'm referring to are the multi-hundred dollar preamps, or the 1000.00 + preamps...stand alone units like the ones at this link:

Obviously not everyone can afford the first page of preamps listed there, but its those preamps that my original post was referring to. Again, if there is a link/place/person that could give me more detail on this, that would be awesome.