Pre Amp and interface

Paulie Storm

New member
Hi everyone, I recently purchased a Focusrite ISA ONE for my humble home studio. I am currently using a pre sonus usb audiobox. This interface does not have true line in so I am going into it and turning down the gain on the presonus. No matter what I do or how low i put the gain on the ISA One i am getting clipping on the interface, not in the DAW but on the interface. I am getting a US1800 interface with true line ins that bypass the preamps ( or so I am told) will this fix this issue?

Thanks for your answer and or advice :-)
Hi everyone, I recently purchased a Focusrite ISA ONE for my humble home studio. I am currently using a pre sonus usb audiobox. This interface does not have true line in so I am going into it and turning down the gain on the presonus. No matter what I do or how low i put the gain on the ISA One i am getting clipping on the interface, not in the DAW but on the interface. I am getting a US1800 interface with true line ins that bypass the preamps ( or so I am told) will this fix this issue?

Thanks for your answer and or advice :-)

A line attenuator/pad will solve the problem for far less money... Attenuators, Pads Adapters, Adapter Cables, Splitters Accessories & Parts & Hardware from Full Compass
So the US 1800 arrived and it works fine. Just getting my head around all the inputs and options at my disposal. Waiting on another preamp and i'll run it through its paces with some vocals
Well the 1800 is so much better than my presonus audiobox was. The focusrite sounds great on both vocals and micing my guitar. I just got my Neve 5017 Portico and that sounds even better. What I noticed though is that since i have put the 1800 on it seems like my ASIO Time Usage is peaking big time when tracking. I have set the latency low and made sure the clock was on internal. Seems to have helped a bit but then again this is checking my old songs i previously recorded. I will be retracking one of my songs that had about 40 tracks on it and see the diffences. I use BFD2 and that is a pig on Asio usage.

Ill let ya know how it turns out