power tube suggestions

i got the stock power tubes in a fender hot rod deluxe and i'm getting a crackling sound and blinking power tubes. I'm 100% sure i need new tubes, but there's so many. i have no idea what power tubes sound better than others. i do know that i really enjoyed the sound i got from the stock tubes. So if i can't get a convincing argument for something else i'll probably get another pair of the stock tubes. But hopefully someone on here has some good experience with other stuff..

I presume they're 6l6???.. according to wiki...

I recently asked around since Sovteks have also 6l6-variants in them. This is from one amp-repair guy:

"On Tubes, you have multiple choices with the migs,
You can use EL-34's, I like the J/J and Electroharmonix EL-34's
You can use 6550's, My fav's right now are the Tungsol 6550's , If not them, then Svetlana 6550's
If you use 6L6, I do like the Sovtek wxt's and the 5881 wxt's.
On 12ax7's I like , the Electroharmonix 12ax7EH the Tungsol 12ax7's,and the Sovtek's.
Do not ever buy the J/J 12ax7's. they suck, they are really dull sounding.
If you play more drop tunings, I like the 6550's they have great low end, great at concert levels.
The EL-34's are going to have the marshall sound, more distorted, great at club volumes.
The 5881/6L6 are smoother, less output, good low end.
I love Sylvania 6CA7's when you can find them, the new 6CA7's are not the same at all,
they are a great blend of EL-34's and 6550's, they have the smooth edge of the El-34 with the output and clean power of the 6550."

..I've tried 6l6gc:s and 5881:s and the russian 6p3c-e variant.

I didn't bias.

6l6:s sounded most open and bright, but was redplating in seconds.
5881:s were not far behind in sound, good thick bottom and mids. didn't redplate on Sovteks, did so on my Spetel amp.
6p3c-e... the original russian military issue, takes huge voltages and shaking, will not redplate ever. :D ...but sounds duller than the others.:(

EH 6l6gc, 6l6gc-e or wxt:s sound brightest.
5881wxt is tougher, sounds thick.

I'm getting a Novik mk120 amp tomorrow... god knows what's in there....

But as a "marshall-sound" fanboy, I'm trying EL-34 next, but up to this point the 5881 is my favorite.
i got the stock power tubes in a fender hot rod deluxe and i'm getting a crackling sound and blinking power tubes. I'm 100% sure i need new tubes, but there's so many. i have no idea what power tubes sound better than others. i do know that i really enjoyed the sound i got from the stock tubes. So if i can't get a convincing argument for something else i'll probably get another pair of the stock tubes. But hopefully someone on here has some good experience with other stuff..


Tube amps are tempermental beasts, You could simply need new tubes. Stay with the 6L6's or 5881's as they are bias compatible with the factory set bias although they should be tweaked in for the specific tubes you get. I have had a few of these Fender Hot Rod amps in my shop. A common problem is intermittent plate load resistors. They develop a hairline crack and produces symptoms just like you describe. If after you change tubes it still does it, I can send you some links that discuss this problem.
The folks at Fender are pretty friendly, you can call them and start asking questions. Be sure and take notes. Ask them what tubes you can try in that amp. Be sure you can re-bias if needed, it isn't hard to do.

My best advice on tubes is do a little research for a couple hours first, maybe wikipedia or something (it aint thaaaat bad for the fundamentals.....start with "New Sensor Corp") then stay away from tubes made in China. I've ALWAYS had better results with tone and reliability when buying the Russian made tubes. I dont know if any tubes are made in the USA today, but the USA made NOS tubes sounded noticeably better than anything else.
thanks for all the info guys. The gt6l6c is the stock tube in the amp and those are made in china and i know china is known for crap, but i'm telling you these tubes sound pretty damn good. i always get complements on my sound. I'm compelled to try the russian version though. Just to hear the difference.

VP i noticed the gt tube you suggested is distortion rated, does that mean it drives into distortion when in the clean channel? if so it's not what i'm looking for. i want crisp clear cleans and then i'll get distortion through one of my pedals.

i really liked the shimery cleans i got with the china tubes. the distortion wasn't that great, but that was ok because with the right mixture of pedals i got the distortion i wanted.
thanks for all the info guys. The gt6l6c is the stock tube in the amp and those are made in china and i know china is known for crap, but i'm telling you these tubes sound pretty damn good. i always get complements on my sound. I'm compelled to try the russian version though. Just to hear the difference.

VP i noticed the gt tube you suggested is distortion rated, does that mean it drives into distortion when in the clean channel? if so it's not what i'm looking for. i want crisp clear cleans and then i'll get distortion through one of my pedals.

i really liked the shimery cleans i got with the china tubes. the distortion wasn't that great, but that was ok because with the right mixture of pedals i got the distortion i wanted.

Most tubes have a rating system, Groove Tubes has a 1-10 scale. 1 distorts the earliest, 10 distorts the latest making them the cleanest of them all. Most people use the middle range. Bassists and Keyboards like the high range. When we are talking about power tube distortion there are some misconceptions. Power amp tube distortion is very different from preamp distortion. Heavy metal players like preamp distortion with a clean power amp, they get punch and headroom. Blues players like power amp distortion because it gives a rounded squashed tone with little power amp punch. This is why most people stick to the middle numbers for versatility. Your Chinese Groove tubes should have a rating number on them also. The Chinese tubes are very good tubes actually. They have been consistently making tubes while the rest of the world abandoned tubes. This gives them a lot of experience making the tubes, the same goes to all the other countries still making tubes. The quality control isnt what it was here in America 30 years ago. Groove tubes does extensive testing and weeds out the bad tubes. Good luck with your quest!
so i ended up getting the gt6l6chp with a rating of 8 and my GOD! these are some sick tubes! So crisp and when i click into distortion via pedals (i got a full tone 2, ds-1 and big muff pi) there is no mud but plenty of breakup. It might be a bit too sensitive. maybe a rating of 6 or 7 would work better but i'll give it another few weeks and see what other people think of the tone. It's like something old has become new again.