Posting 1st mix

EdWonbass said:
My guitars are crap.
Huh? Did I listen to the wrong song? This is a really good mix, man. My only nit is maybe the clean guitars are panned a little too wide, but overall it sounds really good. Did you do the bass too? I think the drums are loops, but I've been known to be wrong on occasion. Nice work!
MadAudio said:
Huh? Did I listen to the wrong song? This is a really good mix, man. My only nit is maybe the clean guitars are panned a little too wide, but overall it sounds really good. Did you do the bass too? I think the drums are loops, but I've been known to be wrong on occasion. Nice work!

Thanks for the kind words. The only electric guitar I own is an old Univox LesPaul copy that won't stay in tune for more than one take. I used some of the guitar patches built into the MRS1044. I did the bass too. That's my main instrument. And yes the drums were programed on my old Alesis HR16 and midi'd into the drum machine built into the MRS1044. It's easier for me to program the HR16 although I'm starting to get the hang of the Drums in the Zoom which sound better to me.
hey Man, thats a realy nice mix.... I'd bring the kick down abit though.. I rekon you mixed it on a system without a sub cause it's realy loud on mine. Realy nice work though man

Also, That bass line was wicked for that song.. it sorta leads the song without being too overbearing, probably the bottom end of it needs to come down a little though, but apart from that it's an awesome bass sound, how did you record it?
usernamebob said:
hey Man, thats a realy nice mix.... I'd bring the kick down abit though.. I rekon you mixed it on a system without a sub cause it's realy loud on mine. Realy nice work though man

Also, That bass line was wicked for that song.. it sorta leads the song without being too overbearing, probably the bottom end of it needs to come down a little though, but apart from that it's an awesome bass sound, how did you record it?

I agree with the kick. I couldn't hear that through the scrawny speakers I had to mix on. I took it out to my truck and started comparing it with other proffessional recordings and noticed I had too much bottom. This mixing is not as easy as it looks. I tip my hat to the pros.

Thanks for the kind words about the bass line. The bass is a Tobias 6 string that I ran through an MXR M-80. It's a nice sounding bass and very easy to get whatever I want from it.