Post your latest purchase!

Yeah, I saw a Studio SG Goth (2001) on Reverb recently for under $500. Looked but didn't touch. Still fighting the wife's medical bills :(
Yeah, I saw a Studio SG Goth (2001) on Reverb recently for under $500. Looked but didn't touch. Still fighting the wife's medical bills :(

yup, 2001 indeed. I think I paid $ was slightly used. couple dings on the body but neck and bridge and everything else perfectly intact (well, the shop restored it at least). the pickup switch is in a weird location for me, though that might be all gibsons for all i know. i tend to come close to hitting it while playing hard/fast. hey...i'm animated when i play and sing.
BroKen_H, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's medical bills! :( I hope she's better now, or getting better.

My latest purchases are the Arturia V Collection 4, which I couldn't pass up because it's currently on sale to Native Instruments customers for half price; and a couple of weeks ago I "bought" Steinberg Cubase Elements 8 using Amazon store credit I'd been saving up from gift certificates. I didn't need either purchase, so I'm telling myself they were early Christmas and birthday presents.
Thanks Michael! She's doing fine. She had an injured back and the medical and chiropractic bills were over $8k. She also had to have jaw surgery last year (and we haven't seen the end of that yet) which cost her all her lower teeth and needed some platinum inserts, etc. to the tune of $12k so far. Those are my out of pocket AFTER post Obamasnare insurance. :( About $600 a month for the next several years. Kinda kills the budget.
I've never seen any Strat do bridge + neck at the same time. I'm no Strat expert or fan though. They're usually, to be best of my knowledge..
Bridge - noisy
Bridge + Middle - hum canceling
Middle - noisy
Middle + Neck - hum canceling
Neck - noisy

I wired my Strat with one extra mini-toggle to be able to use any pickup combo. It adds neck+bridge or all 3 on at once. Bridge/middle and middle/neck are hum canceling like usual. It's a feature I never used though, and I never even look at the guitar anymore. I might pick it up once a year at most.

Oh, I forgot you had a strat.
Yeah, that layout is the common one.

If the bridge and middle pickups prove to be the same spec I'll try swapping them around for the above.
I guess the two hum cancelling options are going to be worth having.

Thanks Greg.
How much are they? Has that got the flat shred neck on it?

Lol. No. That's on the '15 shit models only.

The "Gothic" Gibsons are functionally the same as their traditional counterparts. "Gothic" is just an appearance thing. They're stripped down and all blacked out to look goth and hardcore badass, no fret inlays, some I think have active pickups.
looking at the 2016 models, looks like they've already done away with that stupid brass zero-fret/nut thing.
any strat with 'elite' wiring does that.

There's lots of different ways to do it and, to me, it makes no sense that any strat wouldn't have all combinations available to ya'.
Got this bad boy organ fixed and working today!


It was quite a lot of work but less VST. :) :)

If you strip away all the tacky 80s shit, there's a nice dirty organ under there. (yeah, yeah....)

Re the strat : The bridge pickup (RWRP) wasn't original so either it came with three straight pups and the owner switched out the bridge one,
or it came with RWRP middle and he's done a bit more swapping than that.

Either way, I just popped the RWRP on in the middle and everything sounds good.
Got an original white scratch plate for it too which, in my opinion, looks way better.
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Nothing fancy, just a cheap little project piece to build a clone of an MXR distortion+ (or DOD FX250 overdrive). We'll see how this turns out soon enough...