Post-rock / wall-of-sound type Jam song

Hey guys. This was built around one of those magical jam moments that happens sometimes at band practice that your band can never seem to quite get back to. Anyways, the urge to record something struck me so I ended up recording the song myself. I played all the parts myself, and the recording ended up coming out pretty good (at least I think so). I tried to go for a wall of sound type effect, so as the song progresses, more and more guitar layers come in, until the end where...well...I may have went a little overboard lol.

Drums were all natural, except the kick was replaced. Still have difficulties getting a good kick tone without a ported head and nothing but an Audix D6 to use on it...
Anyways, drums were

Snare top - Audix i5
Snare bottom - SM57
Rack tom - Audix D2
Floor tom - Audix D6
Overheads - SM81s

Bass was DI. The guitars were various combinations of an SM57 off axis, an Audix i5 off axis, and a Shure SM7b somewhat off axis lol. ESP with EMGs going into a Marshall TSL into a Randall 4x12

Let me know what you guys think. What did I pull off well, what could I have improved, etc. I'd love to get some feedback from you guys.
Hey man - the attachment function is fubar - doesn't work half the time. best bet is to find someplace else to host and link - soundcloud, soundclick, dropbox all seem popular around these parts.

View attachment 71822Hey guys. This was built around one of those magical jam moments that happens sometimes at band practice that your band can never seem to quite get back to. Anyways, the urge to record something struck me so I ended up recording the song myself. I played all the parts myself, and the recording ended up coming out pretty good (at least I think so). I tried to go for a wall of sound type effect, so as the song progresses, more and more guitar layers come in, until the end where...well...I may have went a little overboard lol.

Drums were all natural, except the kick was replaced. Still have difficulties getting a good kick tone without a ported head and nothing but an Audix D6 to use on it...
Anyways, drums were

Snare top - Audix i5
Snare bottom - SM57
Rack tom - Audix D2
Floor tom - Audix D6
Overheads - SM81s

Bass was DI. The guitars were various combinations of an SM57 off axis, an Audix i5 off axis, and a Shure SM7b somewhat off axis lol. ESP with EMGs going into a Marshall TSL into a Randall 4x12

Let me know what you guys think. What did I pull off well, what could I have improved, etc. I'd love to get some feedback from you guys.