Post a good mixdown compressor- under $1,000

I have not used it (in fact I am a bit of a compressor moron), but I have seen a lot of good press about the RNC compressor. Seems well suited for stereo mix down. Pretty sure it does not have S/pdif though.
Yes, the RNC is really smooth. Of course it's a multi purpose compressor and not a dedicated mastering tool like the TC Finalizer but it does the 'compressing' job very well.
good luck,

I don't think you are going to find anything with S/pdif and dithering for under $1000. Maybe you need to start thinking used. Also, would your $1000 be better spent at a mastering house or on a mastering processor?

This is not intended as an insult but, you do know that mastering is an art form, right? Buying a mastering box is only going to start you down the Yellow Brick Road, it's not going to get you to the Emerald City.

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530
The Axis

In my opinion, the Behringer Ultradyne is an excellent multi-band compressor. Much better than the TCE Triple-C. But I have not heard the RNC (compressor-only). I did a review of the Ultradyne at the Harmony Central database, if you are interested.
It is AES/EBU though, not SPDIF, and does not have dithering.

The Triple C is excellent, however, i wouldn't use it on a stereo mix. I love running snares through the triple C. sorry, it beats the Behringer Ultradyne.

If you need a cheap mastering facility, get the Finalizer. There's loads of different options. The Express verstion is the cheapest

Also, there is the DBX Quantum. Features most of the TC features, allthough i prefer the TC. It's not going to giv you a mastering studio sound though.

The only times i use the finalizer is if the band dont want to hire out my mastering studio, or at the end of a rough mix.

get a triple c if you want an all round great compressor. it's got a great display aswell! looks good in any rack!

Long Wave Studio
For bass I use an old Dbx 160xt and I like the coloration. I do min-micing on drums so compression isn't much a factor. For vocals I like the singer(s) to record dry and use good judgement when they're belting out a section. So it gets down to mixdown. I haven't ruled out using a virrtual compressor either. People do with great results. Probably not quite TC Finalizer quality though. Someone want to shout me down?