Portable Hi-Fi Digital Audio recorder; Mini-Disc or what else...?


New member
Hi there,
I'm very new here, I've just registered and I'm from Italy.

I would like to buy a portable digital recorder, for recording
sounds that I'll transform to samples (SoundFonts) for my PC.

I suppose it would be nice if it could have the following characteristics:
-possibility to record without compression; that is to say comparable to full .Wav format, 44100 / 16bit/ stereo
-stereo microphone input jack
-record level adjustment
-possibility to transfer audio digital file to PC

I was going to buy an used Mini-Disc player/recorder from Sony (MZ-R70) for a very cheap price,
'cos I read it can record in a very fine way thorough its mic input, but then I read that it hasn't
any possibility to transfer the recorded data to the PC in a digital way. The only possibility is the one
to connect the earphone out to the PC's in, and then ... re-record it again!!! :eek: Sigh!!!

Could you please counsel me something to buy that could satisfy my needs?
I wouldn't pay an expensive price, let's say something around $150.

Thanx a lot in advance, ;)

Best Wishes,
Mirco Grassilli
Hi Grass, I hope things are fine in sunny Italy. I was in Sicily two years ago and absolutely loved it.

I digress...

Anyway, for portable recording without compression, then may I recommend the new Sony Hi-MD format. The new Sony units can record uncompressed (44.1kHz 16Bit!!) onto a Hi-MD disc for a duration of 1 hour 34 minutes in stereo. Sony are also planning to release an upgrade to their interface software that allows digital uploading via USB to the PC of the uncompressed audio.

Check out: http://www.minidisc.org/part_Hi-MD_Sony.html

Some of the units come with mic inputs as well as line input, plus you can tweak the input level.

A lot cheaper than portable DAT machines!
Hi there Agent47,
thanx a lot 4 ur reply and, a little counsel, if you absolutely loved Sicily, have a look to the Sardinia isle next time u come down to Italy... u'll be stunned!!! :eek:

Anyway, coming back to the point, I've seen that Mini-Disc really seems to be the most known and used way to record a Hi-Fi quality sound in a digital way.
I had a look to the Sony Hi-MD new products, they seem to be cool, but, really, I don't understand the reason for which they are making such a lot of trubles to transfer standard audio files (mp3/ wav/ etc...) from the device to the PC... :( :( :(

And then. Why using a MD, with all its mechanical movements, when it could be possible to record the same digital data on a 'solid' device, as , for ex. Flash Memories???
I haven't found any digital recorder, with the same nice Hi-HD characteristics, using another kind of memory support...


thanx again,
Mirco Grassilli