Porta 488 (not mkII)


New member
488 (not mkII) help me turn my knobs!

Hola, amigos! Just turned up a used 488 (with no manual, of course) and need some helpful guidance from those more experienced on this machine. For instance, the input selection switches on tracks 5-8 have a mix\cue setting, instead of the Group/mix setting on 1-4 - I understand the mix/cue pan, but why is there a switch as well?
Also, anyone have a spare manual, before I pay Tascam an ungodly amount of money to stick theirs in the copy machine and rush it to me by snail mail?
What about group assignments? Should I always send group 1 and 2 to 1L\2R, and group 3 and 4 to 3\4? Makes sense, but I'm not sure. Any help (and manuals) would be immensly appreciated.

I'm pretty sure the input switch on ch.5-8 lets you monitor whatever is plugged into the corresponding input, in the cue mix, without recording it. If set to the mixer position, the signal goes through the mixer, and then onto tape.

The mix/cue "knob" controls the signal already recorded on the tape, the mix/cue "switch" controls the quarter inch input of the corresponding mixer channel.

I will double check this info for accuracy when I get home, and post any correction if necessary. I'm not following your other question about group assignments. Any mixer channel can be assigned to any of the 4 groups with the assign switches and the pan pot. It's assigned to 2 groups if the pan pot is left centered; either 1&2, or 3&4. At the group outputs on the back, groups 1&3 are considered left channel, and groups 3&4 are cosidered right channel.

Thanks Twist!

You da man Twist - thanks for the knowledge - I'm sure I'll be needin more, so dont leave me!
EFX Sends

What about the two quater inch effects sends on the back of the console? Where are the effects returned, the individudal inputs(1-8), or the stereo inputs(9\10 & 11\12)? Can these be used with foot switch pedal effects, and if so, how?
As for the two stereo inputs - do they automatically double track on 9\10 and 11\12?
Thanks for the help!
Hey Slap,

Sorry it took me so long to reply. If you're still wondering about the effects sends, yes you could return them to any input, but tascams intention was to return them to the stereo inputs 9/10 and 11/12.

The way the stereo inputs work is like this: A quarter in. stereo plug is designated TIP=left, RING=right, SHEILD=ground. Inserted into the 9/10 or 11/12 inputs, it will handle 2 separate signals, either from the effects sends or some other source. Channel 9 (left), can be assigned to group 1 and/or group 3, channel 10 (right), can be assigned to group 2 and/or group 4. Same for the 11/12 inputs. It's just a very cheap way for them to add 4 more channels to the mixer, making it a 12 channel mixer.

You can plug mono 1/4 in plugs into them also. 9/10 is left
(groups 1 and 3), and 11/12 is for right (groups 2 and 4).

If you want your mono signal to appear in both channels, as opposed to the above scenario where one channel is left, and one is right, plug a 1/4 in mono plug into 9/10, and assign 9/10 to group 1 and/or group 3. Leave the 11/12 input empty. This will "normal" the signal through. Assign channel 11/12 to group 2 and/or group 4. Use the 9/10 level control and the 11/12 level control to balance the mono signal between the left and right outputs of the mixer.

P.S. The TIP=left, RING=right configuration is for 9/10 only. It's reversed for 11/12.
