POD- "send/return" monitoring


New member
Hi all-
I am confused as to how to achieve the following:

1- Record a direct, unprocessed guitar track while monitoring the "effect" of the POD. Confused on how to make all the connections and then monitor only the POD-processed signal, etc.

2- Later (i.e. at mix time), take the direct gtr track out of Sonar and "re-amp" it through the POD, printing the POD-processing of my choice to a new Sonar track.

Here's my set up:
M-Audio FW 410 (2 analog ins, 8 analog outs) into Sonar-based DAW

(FYI- to potentially confuse things, I also have a Roland 1880 that I have going S/PDIF to input of FW-410, so I can use it as a 'mixer' as well)

Any help (as always) is greatly appreciated!

If you don't have the manual, download it from the Line6 site. Look under the 'Return To Sender' section for your answer. Way too much to type. :o

Thanks, Ez. I do have the manual, but the physical connections are just not clicking for me-- I will work on it again and make sure I've had a cup of coffee first! :-)
lmiller1220 said:
Thanks, Ez. I do have the manual, but the physical connections are just not clicking for me-- I will work on it again and make sure I've had a cup of coffee first! :-)
I was about to hit the sheets last night, I'll give some detail when I get home from work if you don't get any help today.

That's the way I record my guitars. My recorder is a Yamaha MD8 and my guitar box is a Yamaha DG stomp. I plug my guitar into an Art pre-amp and the output of the pre-amp into 1 track of the MD8. I take the direct out of that track to feed the input of the DG stomp and I connect the signal out of the DG stomp (stereo) into 2 new tracks of the MD8. That way, I can record my guitar while listening to the wet signal comming out of the DG stomp. If I need to change the voice or some setting of the DG stomp , I can do it without having to re-track my guitar.

Note: There is a switch on the POD (Hi/Lo impedence) to enable it to work when a guitar is plug in or when the signal is comming from an active device. Make sure that switch is set to work with an active device.

Hope this helps,

Jack Real.
This will get your dry signal recorded while monitoring effects.

Guitar signal > preamp or D.I.
D.I. out > mixer input(channel A)
Channel A's Direct out, insert, or effect send > Track A input
Track A output > mixer input channel B(or Return)
Channel B's Direct out, Insert, or effect send > POD input
POD L & R output > Stereo input @ mixer, or effect return.
Make sure the POD's A.I.R. switch(between the L & R outputs) is set to 'Direct'.