plugin effects vs rack


New member
What is your opinions about whether to use plugin effects or a stand alone effect unit?

My opinion is that I feel depending on the "feel" I want on a track, such as a little flange on vocals, I'd much rather use a external processor. I havent seen any really "decent" (in my opinion) plugin flanges.

I'm a Cubase VST user. I have a really decent home/project studio (as far as equipment goes), but were buying a house soon and I will design a professional looking studio at that point .... it just sux being in a apartment right now. But anyway, back to the subject at hand.

I use the Espacial (reverb) and Chorus that comes with Cubase, and there ok, but mostly use Waves. But I also use a Midiverb 4(junk), and a Roland SRV-3030. The Roland has a really good, quality sound, and the Delays are decent on the Midiverb. But what about other plugins out there besides the highend plug-in sets such as the "Waves" plugins? I've read where alot of Protools guys use the "Waves" but they cost a good penny, not that its out of my budget. Alot of people that have a "home studio" that are making their demos arent likely to invest in higher end equipment such as myself and others that have commercial-grade "home recording" studio for hire. like the saying goes "you have to spend money to make money".

Lets face it, If my clients that came in saw a few pieces of equipment, and the place was messy, they're likely NOT to want to do busines with me. People who are out to make a "good" demo are usually serious and not playing around. They want the best quality for their: 1. Money and 2. time invested.

I have had many of my clients say to me "Wow, this is really small. Shouldn't a recording studio be bigger?" They dont realize that just because your I'm in a 2nd bedroom, and in an apartment, that they can not get great sound.

I let them hear my demos of the work that I've done, and my ability to produce and engineer. And they're shocked to hear the quality out of a "home recording studio", and in an home. But in this business, you really have to prove yourself. But in my opinion and several others, just a plain basic audio fact is that you can have a perfect song, but if the effects aren't there to blend into a mix well, it will sound like crap.

Sorry If I got off track for a little bit, but I was trying to make my point. The fact that effects can make or break te song or jingle, then what are your opinions of Plugins or Stand alone hardware? And If you use stand-alones, then which ones do you like. And if you use Plugins, which ones do you like?

Looking foward to your feedback.

Thanks guys.
i don't even have any external effects processors anymore.

i use a combination of waves (rev, chorus, delay, comp, multiband, eq), ultrafunk (eq, comp with built in look ahead peak limiter, wah), and DSP-fx (delay, rev) suites.

i think waves is far superior in quality to a quadraverb or midiverb, but i don't know how it would compare to a higher end lexicon unit or something like that.

Not that I'm a gear snob... I just feel like the human element is taken out of music when you start doing "data entry" for your effects.

But I also don't use too many high end reverbs, I've had a 480 in front of me lots of times, and more recently some 960s and TC 6000s, but I must say that my favorite reverbs are usually old stand-alone guitar amp 'verbs. Fender makes some great reissue stuff and Soldano has the Surf Box. I also use the Holy Grail guitar pedal from Electro Harmonix. And if I can get my hands on an EMT plate I'll use it ALL DAY LONG!

And as far as a phaser, flanger, chorus or any other "time-based effects", other than a delay that has to be in time with a song, I reach for guitar pedals too. In my opinion you can't beat an MXR phaser... mmmm, so nice...
