Plse Advise: Preamp Dillema


New member
Hi all

Would really appreciate any input on this. I have a Fatman2 for a mic preamp and a Rode NT1. The sound is pretty good but I am wondering whether to upgrade to something better. The question is what? Budget is around $1,000 for both (new price).

I was wondering about an ART MPA but really am not sure of other good options. Also, given the mic I had would you focus more on upgrading the mic preamp or the mic...or both?

many thanks for ANY advice.

ind of music are you recording? What kind of sound do you want?

You already have mid-level gear. If you buy both two pieces and basically split them at $500 a piece you're just going to wind up with more mid-level gear and no real improvement in performance. You can get into some very good mics in the $500-$1000 price range. You really need about $1K to get into a serious mic pre. I'd recommend first you get a really good mic - though I can't recommend any until I know more about with you're doing.

Thanks for your note. The music I am recording is mainly either blues or light rock.

The set-up is: Korg d1600 HD recorder, drums, guitars/bass, organ.

Singing wise...pretty soulful.

I was wondering whether the ART MPA would be a significant upgrade. In terms of Mic I really am not at all sure.

Thanks for any help....

The ART would not be an upgrade and might even be a downgrade. It would not be a move in the right direction in my opinion.

If your budget is indeed strictly $1,000, I'd suggest something like the Grace 101 along with a $500 mic. Another preamp for that money worth considering is the Groove Tubes BRICK.

As far as mics, I'm not an expert, so I'm sure others will have some good suggestions. However, I think there are some good Audio Technica mics in that price range. In general, you should be able to find a number of good mics to choose from in the $500-1,000 range.