Plitdown Man here... will you indulge me? #1


New member
I'm working on some new songs. (some of you have listened and given feedback. Thanks.)

I was married for five years and didn't get to record a single song during that time. So for the next few days, I'm going to post a few of my earlier tunes. These were all recorded totally analog on a Tascam 488 MKII with an Alesis SR-16 drum machine. They're all at least five years old.

I'd like to know two things: what mix issues do you hear, and are any of these songs worth re-recording (I can't re-mix, 'cause the MKII doesn't work any more)?

I hope this is not breech of etiquette. I just want to know how you people feel about this stuff. If you don't want to listen, don't.


I'd appreciate any feedback.

The first is called Toll Booth Lady. I can post lyrics if requested.

Piltdown Man
hey pm, you have a nice tune there!

I thought the lead guit where too loud, the lyrics are easy to understand - the best thing in the tune is definitively the vocal - good work!


That's a great pop tune! I love it!

The structure of the tune was just about perfect and defiantly worth re-doing now with your digital setup and new primo vocal Microphone.

I won't harp on the mix or playing flubs on that attempt as you have stated that your 488 is dead at the moment but, hell! Hearing how much cleaner you play these days, I would defiantly want to hear that re-tracked and polished up with some clearer and tighter guitar work, which I am confident you can accomplish.

Cheers! :)

ps; post the problem over at the Tascam or the Analog forums here and perhaps someone there can help with the technical issues you are having with the 488.
Hey there Pilt - Five years without recording...That is tragic, but I have you beat. I actually went 7 years without recording hardly a thing...I keep beating myself up over it, too. :)

Anyway, on to the tune. This is definitely worth re-recording. The song structure is good and the playing is very nice. A little bit mid-heavy on my end, but the actual playing is very good. Nice guitar work and really good vocals.

Good song!

Cool tune.
I'd say definitly worth redoing.

The only thing that struck me was,the guitars are wrong for rockabilly.

Not enough bite and twang on the rythym gits,and the lead style should be more along the lines of a steel guitar,and clean.
And the heavy use of delay is key for the backbeat.

Good performance and the singing is excellent.

Ahhh.. i sympathize with ya Pilt, i just went 5 since I'd laid a track. Awful awful time.

This really sounds different than your last song. I heard the one that had the spoken vocals that reminded me of Butthole Surfers. This was not was I was expecting.

Them vox gotta come up, it has a weird country vibe. I can almost say i can feel the tape reel on this. Maybe i'm imagining it but it feels like it was done before digital recording. Good luck if you decide to redo it.
dude... hopefully you aren't married anymore. you've got to get back to recording some music.

that's a cool song, and definitely worth re-recording.
Bring the vocals up

They are clear, but buried in the mix. Other than that it's a catchy tune.
Hey, this is different! :) ...from you last one!;)

Good fun tune. I would like to hear a re-record on this.

Vox up. Maybe bring up the highs. Probably need to ride the fader too from verse to chorus.

Lead guitar down.

Change guitar sounds. Needs a more rockabilly sound IMO. Of course that's just preference.

Let's hear it again!
Great song concept. Fun to listen to. Some good lines in the song. I liked that guitar riff, good and catchy. I liked the lead guit work.

The song just kind of "jumps in" pretty quickly. Maybe a count-in by something?

Some vocal syncing issues early in the song :-)06-:07). Some of the vocals are a bit below the singer's range of comfort. The guitar riff, while cool, covers the vocals when it's playing. I suppose the vocals could come up just a bit - or maybe an EQ nudge in the upper mids.

The "she got time. she's sublime." stuff seems like a bit of a forced rhyme.

Fun song. Trip...
How did you get that great bass sound on Educated by repeated blows to the head? I'm in an electric duo and also use a 488, but having trouble getting the Bass down. Dig yoursound or rather sounds. There used to be a band called the piltdown men here in Baltimore many moons ago, any connection?
Toll booth Lady.

That is a wacked song, kinda Frank Zappa sounding verses. Is that the ending? Probably could use some sort of cadence there, but that's just a thought. Sounds good though for 488.