Please tear apart my metal music!

Anomaly Design

New member
Hey, I posted this a year ago and no one said anything lol. I'm trying again now because of a comment that gave me new hope today. Please, say everything you do/don't like, and how it could possibly be fixed. Except the drums, there horrible lol, I just got a triggers so they won't matter. Well tear them apart anyway I don't care. I'm really only looking for recording quality, the song writing itself I've grown to despise, way to boring for me. So just click the link below 'Anomaly Design...'.
Not a big fan of the genre, but Im sure this would make a kick ass live show!Guitars are good, not crazy about the rythem sound though. They just sound flat. This music calls for the guitars to hit you like a ton of bricks! Curious how you recorded guitars. All the lead work is good.
Yeah I think I overcompensated the missing guitar 'umph' with the drum 'umph'. I believe All I did was record my Randall half stack with an SM57 then did one EQ filter, rolled everything off before 200, gave 200 a small boost, 500-3k a small cut, then around 10k another boost. O yeah then I added a Cool Edit Pro 2 compression preset called noisy hot guitar then vwalla!
All three songs are a year old?
So post some new stuff already! :D (I'm one to talk....)
Is your intonation out a bit, or are you just smacking the utter dogpiss out of that open chord?

Not a fan of the guitar tone, and the cymbals/drums are bad, but the songs are cool and have definite potential.
I was really considering the single recto actually... I don't need all that power or anything, plus i really enjoy the bare necessities. I don't go crazy with effects because my wallet would be mad at me :eek:

But it seems that I can get some good tones out of this amp, and I damn well should with a 9-band eq. I'm going to hold on to my randall and see how it sounds once I finish doing my room acoustics. The only thing I don't like about it is at certain frequencies it gets kinda fuzzy, but I don't need that much distortion when recording so its only a problem when playing live.

Do you have a recto to sell or something? :D
cellardweller said:
All three songs are a year old?
So post some new stuff already! :D (I'm one to talk....)
Is your intonation out a bit, or are you just smacking the utter dogpiss out of that open chord?

Not a fan of the guitar tone, and the cymbals/drums are bad, but the songs are cool and have definite potential.

Which chord? I do play kinda really rough on my guitar.
What don't you like about the guitar tone?
What don't you like about the cymbals?

Anything you can think of that might help fix?