Please someone help me!!!!


New member
OOOO Kayyy,,,,, Im trying to soundproof a basement and I have read so many web documents on floating walls,,and differant styles of building walls. So my question is ,, is there any material I can just slap on the walls to make it at least 80% soundproof???????????????????????????????????
Deadboyy said:
OOOO Kayyy,,,,, Im trying to soundproof a basement and I have read so many web documents on floating walls,,and differant styles of building walls. So my question is ,, is there any material I can just slap on the walls to make it at least 80% soundproof???????????????????????????????????

old blankets, old comforters, layer upon layer. natural materials (cotton, wool, etc) work just fine. You will need more than one layer however, and in the corners, you're going to probably get bass, so wad pillows and blankets in the floor corners.

My friend's basement studio has 5-6 layers of wool army blankets he got surplus. its not perfect, but its not bad either. And it was very inexpensive.

It sounds like you're asking for help in soundproofing, as opposed to acoustically treating your basement. The good news is, for all the basement that is below grade (underground), you have the best soundproofing available - massive tons of earth. The bad news is, if you're trying to soundproof what you're doing downstairs to activities upstairs, you will have a significant challenge. On top of everything else, you typically have HVAC ducts running through the room, which do a marvelous job of distributing sound throughout the house. The serious route would be to make a room within a room which has a separate ceiling structure and an air gap. In a typical basement this in quite impractical, as you're already at a headroom premium. Alternatively, you could ensure that the floor above has carpeting with thick padding. You would probably want to shroud the ductwork with the aforementioned army blankets, too.

I too have had a basement studio (in North Carolina, no less!) and found that it was very soundproofed from the neighbors, but horribly noisy to other members of the household.

Good Luck!