Please review my singing

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  • Bad. Go and practice!

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  • GROSS! Go take some real song lessons dude!

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New member
Hello, I just joined as this site really sparked interest me. I would like to share some links with you guys, of my home recordings. Please comment and let me know. I would like to do some collaborative works too, if you guys are interested. Thanks in advance!

And I got couple of songs on SingSnap too. If you guys want I will share them too!
Hello, I just joined as this site really sparked interest me. I would like to share some links with you guys, of my home recordings. Please comment and let me know. I would like to do some collaborative works too, if you guys are interested. Thanks in advance!

And I got couple of songs on SingSnap too. If you guys want I will share them too!

Post it on soundcloud and post the link here. Way easy for people to play the song and also don't have to worry about downloading a virus.
I took a quick listen and it's buried in effects. It sounds like you are not confident and like your notes are kind of shallow sounding. practice breathing and projecting a little more IMO.
The only thing I could notice is that the vocal SEEMS to be in tune. Other than that and to be very honest with you the mix doesn't helps in nothing! Among the excess of delay and the too low volume of the vocal track the only thing I could hear is some kind of mumbling...
I think it's "sweet" very la-la-land fairy tale kind of voice, but it is effected as hell.. maybe that was the goal kinda wishy washy dreamy tone? this is just my first 2 cents worth in a long time since i posted on this site but i'll throw it out there anyway. You have a good voice and yer not tone-deaf (although such things never stopped some people) and there is no reason to hide it, and no reason not to sing your own songs either. every voice is different, as is every mind. The ones that stand out sound like their own voices rather than a bunch of effects hiding them. Don't hide.
Hey bro. I like the idea. What I would say is use a compressor when recording. The goal should be to keep the vocals a similar volume throughout the song. Sounds cool. keep it up and don't let anything negative people say impact you.
ya your vocal is appearing and disappearing getting lost in the music, sounds like mumbles, definitely learn to use a compressor and/or even automate the vocal so that when you get really low, in terms of loudness, just automate the volume so that its louder at that point! Another thing is you are drowning your vocal in delay and reverb, and I used to do the same thing when i first started recording my voice and the reason was I was trying to hide behind effects. Just be more confident and dry up that vocal, but other than that you seem in tune, just project a little more!
i really like your voice, its in time and pocket you sound nice. you can sing and its lovely... I like the production and i like the hall reverb sound on your vocals for this, makes it fresh as its a familiar song. I enjoyed this.. felt your creative heart in it...
nice work.
Def. think you should open a soundcloud and upload them.. get easier and more feedback.
Bonnie Legion