Please help with my studio design


New member
I bought the house (woo hoo)

Now I am looking at puting an isolation booth in the corner of one room.
1. I thought about puting it in the closet because of all the crazy angles (it is the under part of stairs)
2. i would like to keep the room open for drums, bed, or other potential
3. I don't have a big budget
4. The main purpose is for recording voice and acoustic guitars

dimensions, pictures, and floor plans are located

Your suggestions will be treated as gold.

I have read for months, and have learned much, but I still know so little (like one of your signatures mentions). Thanks for all of you who help out us beginners. I wish I could repay you.
So how much is "not a big budget"?

Reason I ask, is it will greatly effect the replys you get. No one wants to waste time on a nice plan for you if you say $100.
good question

i have recording equipment, i just need tips on the isolation booth (location is flexible)

Budget is probably 100-500 . . . i might be able to get some good deals on wood for the walls.

The range is because, if it isn't going to make a big difference, I am willing to go cheap. But if the investment will make a huge difference, I might be able to be convinced to put the money in now.

I plan on treat the rest of the room later when I have a need (and more money) for it.

another point

i have two doors, will that make a big difference?

also, is it reccomended to put stuff between the old wall and new wall?

could i get the same acoustics from putting layers on the existing walls (i know that it will still transmit vibrations)

Any suggestions?