Please help! Recommend me a pair of powered monitors <$350-$400?


New member
Hey all, I'm finally ready to bite the bullet for a pair of powered studio monitors. I'd really like to keep it between $350-$400, but I'm not opposed to going higher if need be. From reading past threads, I see that people like these brands:

M Audio

I'm definitely not opposed to buying used. The type of music I'll be mixing mostly (does this even matter when it comes to choosing a pair?) is hardcore/metal, and ambient/electronic drone type stuff. One pair that's piqued my interest is the Carvin SRS 6.5 active monitors, on sale for $350 a pair direct from Carvin. I've had nothing but excellent experiences with them, and am hoping their quality translates into their monitors.

Also, what is the best way to "test" out monitors at the store and what exactly should I be listening for? Should I just play music through them that I like and see how it reacts? Should I bring my Laptop and MBOX and tweak using the monitors? Thanks so much guys!
I suggest the wharfedales

Dont get the carvins. They make guitar speakers, not monitor speakers.

Testing monitors......
Take a CD you are very familiar with. They will play it for you. Most stores can switch flawlessly between pairs. Compare each aspect of a speaker between all the monitors. Listen for things like harshness, brightness, things you have never heard before, or things you know that should be there that are missing. Monitors should be able to go at very LOUD volumes or very quiet volumes. Next, listen for bass responce. How low can they go. Do the lows sound clean and clear, or muddy and distorted. Are you using a sub, this may be a consideration. When deciding on the bass response. There is also on article on choosing monitors here that I suggest you read. It really will help.......