Please help me sound treat my room! I got photos and diagrams and everything!


New member
Ok, so I want to do this thing up right. I need some help setting up my home studio and I hope to give enough info for you wonderful people to help me out. I'd like to do this as cheap as possible since I am not only a struggling musician, but I am also a broke college student. I go to a private art school so I am extra broke. What little money I have to put towards my hobby is going into this studio. I was thinking 703 for sound absorbtion. Suggestions for things to do now on a budget and then things to add later when I have more money would be awesome! I can't really change the shape of the room as far as construction or anything, but I can throw up blankets as walls maybe? I'll do this little thing in 3.25 parts... The Room, what I plan to do, and what I got.


Ok, so the room is actually my bed room and the bed will have to stay. It is above the garage and there is also a small part of the attic above it. It is a very oddly shappen room. It is for the most part L shapped with an extension for the entrance. The Room has 8 foot ceilings. Below you can see an overhead diagram with dimensions and a few photos of the room. In the photos you can see where I have things in my room, but I am more than willing to completely rearrange the room to accomidate the recording studio. Also attached to the room are a closet (maybe emptying that out and making a vocal booth) and then my bathroom. Their dimensions and diagrams are below too. One thing not seen in the diagram are the slants at the top of two of the walls. The one on the 180.5" wall which is the one with the closet door on it has a slant with legs of 25"x25" and that slant starts 64" away from the corner where the closet door is and extends the rest of the wall which makes the slant 116.5". The wall opposite of that which is the 87.5" wall has a slant that has legs of 12"x12". You can see pictures of all this below.

THE CLOSET (I hope this can work as vocal booth)

The closet also has an 8 foot ceiling. It is 55.5" by 64" for the dimensions. This closet has two shelves in it. One is on the wall to the right as you walk in and is 48" off the ground. It extends from the corner 46" and sticks out form the wall 11". The other is 68.5" off the ground and it extends the full length of the wall that is right in front of you as you walk in. That makes it 64" and it sticks out from the wall 18". The higher shelf is covered in blankets and the lower shelf just has random stuff on it that I can throw somewhere else. If you look in the picture of the closet there is a small door below the lower shelf. This door is made of plywood and is just storage. The storage isn't air conditioned or insulated very well, so I'll prob need to throw something on that. Regardless we need to be able to open it.


I would like to be able to record vox, acoustic and electric guitar, bass, and drums. This section was shorter than I thought it would be. haha! Its the .25 of a part.


Currently I am running a PC with Cubase and Dual Monitors. I am running all of my stuff into a behringer MX 2642A mixer and then out of that into my M-Audio Delta 44 which goes into Cubase. I have an M-Audio DMP3 Preamp as well. For Mics right now I have a Studio Projects C1. This month I will also be adding these things to my studio: Studio Projects C4's, AKG D112, M-Audio BX5's or Behringer Truth's (gotta hear the behringer's before I decide), and an SM57. Oh, I also have a cheap Yamaha keyboard that I use as a MIDI controller.

Ok, so any help or suggestions you all have would be so much help to me. I really don't know too much and I want to do the best job I can for now. I am willing to rearrange the room. So if you have good ideas about where to move the bed, desk, etc please do tell. I could put up a blanket or several blankets as a way to separate the smaller break off from the room where my desk is now from the bigger area of the room that currently has my bed in it. I will be taking everything out of the closet unless you recommend that I leave the blankets up top of the shelf for absorption. There are lots of blankets as you can see. Below are the photos with descriptions of their location. Please let me know if you have any questions. Did I give enough info? THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE GUYS!

DIAGRAMS - not to scale!

Diagram with furniture placed -
Diagram without furniture placed -


Through entrance door looking at double window -
Turn to right look at corner of room with Desk - (that table blocking most of the desk will be gone)
Closer view of corner with desk and bookshelf -
Looking at closet door from desk area -
Looking at the 12"x12" slant -
In front of TV looking at corner with bathroom door and closet door -
Looking at 25"x25" slant over bed -

Corner opposite door, both shelves seen -
Looking down on lower shelf and small plywood door -
All those blankets on the top shelf -
Showing the end of the lower shelf above plywood door -


PS - the room's a little messy so please forgive me. I just moved home from college and haven't finished putting everything away. But as you can see I am ready to get crackin on this studio thing.

> I was thinking 703 for sound absorbtion. <

Yes, that's the right approach, and it's also the most cost effective.

For the complete story on how to use 703 effectively, see the Acoustics FAQ, second in the list on my Articles page:

I will post some photos soon. I got the desk moved and I got my closet sounding decent. I went to walmart bought 2 foam pillows and some egg crate to go up for now. Later I will be getting some 703 to put up in the closet and in my room. Right now the setup works pretty well all things considered. I definitely notice the difference after moving my desk. I really appreciate all the help you all have given me ( not just in this thread but in every thread here ). I am recording a solo acoustic artist here right now and I will probably post some rough mixes of that here too looking for major critique since its my first project. So yea, I will get you some after pictures here in the next week or so. Thanks again!

EDIT - Oh, I also got some foam for the cracks of the door to help keep the sound out of my closet.