Please help Me get into this wonderful artform


New member
Hey I started playing guitar about 2 years ago and I have some decent skill now and i wanted to know if anyone could help me out with how to get into recording.

Now I am about to buy a Porta 05 without a manual (Im hoping i can just figure it out) to record with.. I have a guitar.. a bass guitar and a mic i want to hook up to it and im not sure how and what will happen when I do... For instance when i hook my guitar into the input will I hear the guitar as if it was comin through my amp or just hear the strings.. also I have a zoom 505 effects pedal how would i figure that into the equation... Please help me out as i really want to start recording my songs..

One more thing does anyone know how i could acquire a manual for a Tascam Porta 05?
The Porta 05 will definitely be a good place to start! I learned to Multitrack on a "Porta 01" back around 85 or so.
They're good units, and last for quite a while in my experience.

If you plug a guitar straight in-it will sound like a clean guitar, as long as you keep the Gain down.
The Zoom unit can plug right into the 4-track, and it will work great.

We have a Zoom 506 (the Bass unit) and I love it for bass or guitar.

You probably won't need the Manual-just come here and ask questions-people here will gladly help ya out-that's what this is all about.

What kind of music are you into?

If you're looking for a Porta2 manual try the Tascam website at and click on portastudios, then look for your unit and there should be a button to click to download a manual [Product Manual (PDF)].
thanks for ur help... i am into a lot of different stuff.. I listen to a lot of zepplin.. Beatles.. and the Doors.

Get an 8 track box; Yam MD-8 or A Roland product.

The Yam is a quick learn/almost quick learn product. So, you're up and recording out of the box; the specificities of the unit, well, man, that will take time and queery.

I'm still asking questions about the dam unit. But, it is a good unit.

Jump in and start swimming man,

Green Hornet