please help, in search of good mic below 200


New member
im thinking about getting the MXL 3000 Mic Bundle which can be found on amazon but i dont know how good it is and i also dont know if i will be able to use it. im basically looking to hook up a good microphone to my dell windows xp. i dont know what in the heck phantom power is so thats why im not sure if i would be able to use this. im new at this stuff so recommend a good mic below 150 or a good bundle below 200 that will be able to plug right into my dell windows xp with no problem. thanks in advanced.
any mic that is better then shit will have an XLR input. Your Dell probably has the green 1/8" port. You'll need a converter. I know they make XLR->1/4" and 1/4"->1/8" converters, you might need to use both unless they make one that's XLR->1/8". There's $20 out of your budget right there.

If you are going to have one microphone, and your budget is at least $100, just get a Shure SM57. It'll serve you well throughout your recording career, it might even come in handy once in awhile even if you have thousands of dollars worth of microphones.
You won't be able to use those MXL condensor mics without phantom power. You're going to need a mic preamp for that.
i was looking into shure mics because i got recommended the shure sm58 by a lot of people, is there really any difference besides the price? also i looked on amazon for one of those converters and they seem to be more than 20 bucks...
Nope, there never is a difference between microphones besides price. Those $1000 microphones? Forget about them. Stick to the MXL's and CAD's and Nady's.