Please help. Delta 10/10, adat2pc


New member
hello, this is my first post here. I have just acquired a delta 10/10 i am using nuendo to record. my problem is this, i keep getting a staicy popping sound. my computer is 2.0gighz, with 1 gig of ram. i have 120 gig drive dedicated only to recording. what may cause this problem? ive used cakewalk before this, but i was never satisfied with the sounds. what software do you guys recomend for good recording of acoustic/vocals and 4 piece band. im not a big fan of creed, but i love how loud they are, if that makes since. when ever i record loud i get clipping. well any tips would be swell thanks. check out for the mp3s. these where recorded on a adat, and i know hey are far from completed , but you will hear what im trying to fix. ill ask it here as well, but i have a core 2 card with digital in and out, can i record on the adat, and import all 8 tracks to the pc though that? or will we have to use the delta 1010 to get everything over. we want the warmth of the adat, and dont want to use all pc resources for recording multi tracks, we just want to use pc for mixdown. thanks for any help.