Please Explain


New member
Why doin a verse in 10 minutes and recording it in one take makes u dope?.....all it mean is that the emcee has there head so far up they arse that the think that wat eva the do will be dope.......this is the exact reason why hip-hop is wack nowadays cunts think if the got a hot beat the can chuck something on it that remotly flows and think there dope. Do u think fukin ras kass made nature of the threat in 10 fukin minutes? u can wen a rhyme is done in 10 fukin minutes. Everyones a fukin dick rider style biter bandwagon one was doin that shit until jay z told everyone he never writes his shit......he said he done it on his first album and guess fukin wat.....thats his dopes album u can tell the thought that was put in the rhymes. ODB started that whole freestyling on tracks and we all know as much as u loved the style u never once really listened to wat the fuck he had to say cos the cunt was talkin shit. EMCEES NEED TO PICK UP THERE FUKIN GAME, back in the day the emphasis was put on the days its all about the beat ur diluting the fuckin culture by doin that and all ppl have to say is fukin eminem is fukin hip-hop wat a fukin joke
Damn I was thinking this same shit coming out the lab about 20 minutes ago...

I gotta agree with ya cuz... Part of the reason i'm pushing holding off releasing some of my songs is cuz cats aren't doing quality work. Hell last night I went back to mix a song from about six months ago and heard a cat talking about icing his shit up cuz it rhymed.... ERTTTT!!! I'm not about the spend my night lacing a beat for shit like that... And this beat is tight as hell... Not gonna waste it cuz cats don't have they shit down... I don't try to color cats lyrical content but shit gotta have some kinda content.

Fact is that if you don't like it then best em...
you can consider Em to be a battle rap all-star, or you can consider him to be a poison on the hip-hop communicty (which would be racist), but either way, when you listen to his CD you know he put thought into his lyrics and that's more than i can say about most rappers today.

why would i want to spend $20 on a CD that dudes just threw together with 10 different producers and 8 guest rappers.

i bought that CD to hear you. not you and all your boys freestyling.

1. Eminem is far from ruining hip-hop he may not be the best example of what hip-hop is but he is talented and takes time with his stuff.

2. Do you actaully think that this is a new thing or even something exclusive to hip-hop? It's basically ignorant (not a direct insult to you guys) I notice this alot with hip-hop kids, people into underground ( the complaining of exploitation). It happens in every music genre that can be exploited for profit rock, jazz, rhythm and blues(RnB). It just becomes aparent with hip hop because it hasn't been around as long. You know what though? Posting about it time and time again on a message board will NEVER solve the problem the only solution is for underground (and sometimes more popular acts) to keep doing it for the love and the music. Exploitation is just something you have to deal with. There's always going to be popular music and it will always be exploited by record labels for money. period.
i'm not

one of the elitest underground cunts who is tryina keep shit so corprate america dont run it.......cos i'm from australia and if the shit didnt go corprate i'ld probably have never got to have herd most of the shit i do. My complaint is with the amount of 10 minute throwtogether tracks that seem to come from everywhere underground nd comercial. I'm saying u got cunts whinging that white rapers and corparatiosn a fuckin it up wen its the mc's and crews fukin it up with the half asses wack i'ma get rich shit. Most of the up and comming cunts are straight wack, theres no meaning in their raps which i can handle cos emcee realy never started about that however come with something fukin clever not i got bitches i shoot cunts rah rah rah......if ur gonna say it say it creativly thats all i'm sayin i'm sick of wack fukin emcees
I FEEL you Pain

I am a inspiring rapper....and i really hate the arrogance of some people who don't take time and treat this shit like a fuckin video me it's so much more.. and to alot of cat's i meet on this forum.. Not everyone is out for that buck they just wanna be heard...but all these noodles who put together verses in 10 mins get exactly what they put it...thats how it goes..i don't care if they sit on top for a lil min eventually they fall flat on there clown asses. Look at Ja Rule for example..he had all those so called "hits" but that wasn't good enuff he had to start takin shots at people who love what they do. Now i can say alot of people won't feed into any of his bullshit nomore. I never did but some body had to buy all those fuck@# albums! Then you have Cat's Like Benzino who talk shit on EM saying he is ruining hip hop blah blah blah but when it comes back at him and people find out he's half white ..oh shit...time to go further and talk about his family and all that other shit..That crazy to me all the stuff you can rap about you have to take shot's at someone else because of jealous envy or hate. That was crazy to me.. For me it sucks because all my rhymes and "warstories" are true but to be real i can only remain underground because the dicks at labels would want me to go after Em,Bubba,LiL Wyte or someone to boost my moral when i don't have anything bad to say about any of them cats it just how F#$@ up everything has become. Will it change i dought it but with underground hiphop/ mixtapes you can express your true feelings and you don't have anyone breathing down your neck tellin you to change shit ...So thats where i'll be
10 flights down..Underground
Peace Love Respect

Ya Boy Kevlar
The problem is not...

...writing in ten minutes or first-take perfection. The problem is rooted in the majors' ability to shove that ish down the throats of the masses. It's all supply and demand. If that's what the people (the women, really) want, that's what you have. Trust, if people were under the impression that writing from the heart and working and reworking a song were common practice - EVERYONE WOULD DO IT. When Jay or Ja or whomever says they can do this or that quickly is just misinformation. Did anyone read that XXL article about the making of BIG's "Life After Death"? They spoke of how BIG and JayZ were pacing back and forth, mumbling to themselves while the beat played over and over. I can guarantee you it didn't happen in an hour. Especially with the competition floating in that booth. C'mon, seriously, if YOU were on top and you could tell people what it took to be a great performer, would you tell them EVERYTHING? Was the blueprint a blueprint, or a memoir?
If I was the man, I'd tell ya'll I write my rhymes on the moon, and we'll see how many niggas start callin NASA tryin to get paid.
