Please critique this recording...


New member
Hey everyone!

Okay, I recorded my band's upcoming EP. Need some suggestions on the mixing and overall tone of everything. Here's the specs on the drums.
Recorded in a 16X16 room with wood floors, nice reverby touch.
Kick- Shure Beta52 (5 inches from beater)
Snare- SM57
Rack Tom- Audix F10
Floor Tom- Audix F12
Hi-Hat- Oktava MK012
Overheads- Studio Projects C1

SM-57 on Huges and Kettner Tri-Amp
SM-57 on Bogner Cab, placed upper left speaker

Any suggestions, ideas, constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.


As a native bass player the first thing I think that's missing is the clarity of the kick drum...mostly I hear a loud snare. Have you tried different mic placement in the kick?? or try sticking it inside the kick at all? I just don't hear it all that well. Of course; it could be the heads the drummer is using. The toms sound good to me and the cymbals are alright. The guitars all sound good, maybe the solo guitar might need to come down a bit though..get some other opinions on this. I'm just telling you what I think as an average listener (not an audiophile :P) well done though! I'm gonna have to check out those Audix mics for tom sounds, those sound nice.
Thanks for the reply. Yes the kick was turned up and sounds a lot better thanks for that. Also the Audix Mics are really good for toms. It was in my budget at the time and since then I haven't thought to get something else.