Please critique this mix-

Lol. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that in here.

Pretty good. Sounds pretty damn authentic. Maybe too good. It needs some record scratches and it should be in mono. My grandma would love this! :p

Everyhting sounds fine. I think the vocals are a little too up front. They're pretty in-your-face. Other than that it sounds good.
Greg_L said:
Lol. I don't think I've ever heard anything like that in here.

Pretty good. Sounds pretty damn authentic. Maybe too good. It needs some record scratches and it should be in mono. My grandma would love this! :p

Everyhting sounds fine. I think the vocals are a little too up front. They're pretty in-your-face. Other than that it sounds good.

Ditto;) In places the vox do hit ya pretty hard. Maybe knock down the most offending parts.

Sounds Great other than that.

A beautiful production. All the parts are recorded extremely well. Good musicians too.

The verb on the vocal sounds too strong to me. It stands out in a way that hits me as artificial at a few spots such as 2:19 and 4:46.
I love that it's somehting different in here, great job. Vox are a tad loud but I am listening through headphones so take that with a grain of salt. Nice voice and playing ~
Very nice. The Producer/Musician I work with does this style a lot. We've got some songs to post as soon as we get the vocals tracked.