Please critique this mix.


It needs more cowbell!
New tune from a band that I did a CD for last year-got a ton of help from everyone here last time, and look forward to your feedback again this time. Let me know what you think!

April 2nd
Last edited:
I like the song. I kept wanting to say that the vocal is not "seated" as good as it could be but a few times I was thinking "Man! that's nice!" In the begining the kick disturbed me somehow but after the rest of the instruments came in I hardly noticed anything wrong with it. The back ground vocals could be placed a little further back in the mix (that's my taste). But I guess then the lead vocals would only be more in your face then. AHHHH!!! Just leave it! I enjoyed listening to it.

Thanks for listening.

I need to do something with the backing vocals...that was one of the things on my list.

The kick seems a little dead to me, but I haven't EQ'ed it much yet...I might be able to do something good with it yet...

The lead vox seemed a little hot in places, but in other spots it seems just about right. I hate to bury his voice-he's really good.

I still want to tweak this one some more, but I'm open to suggestions about WHAT to tweak....
The kick definitely needs a bit of a click on it. Not a super loud click, but definitely something. Sounds a little boomy too. I think the lead vocal needs to come down a little bit. Backing vocals definitely need to come down, maybe put a bit more reverb on them. In that break, I think you should cut the reverb down a bit on the lead vocal. Maybe get rid of it completely. I'm not sure about this.. but maybe bring the overheads down a little. I think the snare could come up a little too.

Did you put any autotune on his voice? I think I hear some.. just want some clarification. :)

The really sounds good. What mics did you use and such? The vocals sound awesome. He's a REALLY good singer.

Just a TOUCH of autotune on the vox-he doesn't need much.

Vocals were all done with an SP C1. Sax was recorded with an ADK A51 Type III. Keys and bass were DI to my Soundtracs Topaz, and drums were recorded with CAD KBM412 on kick, Oktava 012's on O/H, and a set of CAD snare/tom mics on the top and bottom of the snare and the 2 toms.
H2oskiphil said:

Just a TOUCH of autotune on the vox-he doesn't need much.

I just wanted to make sure that I'm learning how to hear it. Heh.

Vocals were all done with an SP C1. Sax was recorded with an ADK A51 Type III. Keys and bass were DI to my Soundtracs Topaz, and drums were recorded with CAD KBM412 on kick, Oktava 012's on O/H, and a set of CAD snare/tom mics on the top and bottom of the snare and the 2 toms.

Everything sounds awesome. Keep up the good work, man.
I hear a gate clicking open in the beginning before the music.

The mix sounds very ironed out, at least beyond my headphones ability to sort out. The vocal compression could use a bit longer attack, it pops in pretty hard in a few spots.

Oh, and fuck autotune.

I haven't cleaned up the beginning or the end yet-I've still got to do my fades, etc.

What do you mean by "ironed out"? I'm going to assume that's good, unless you tell me different... :D

Thanks for the feedback!
Besides the heavy attack clips on the vocal compression the mix sounds pretty well worked out.

Fix that compression though, it snaps way loud on the first consonant of many words, very annoying.
Pretty good mix. The backing vox don't sound very much in the background. Just a bit of cean up and this will be pretty damn good.

Thanks for listening. Thought the backing vox needed something-more reverb, maybe?

More tweaks! :D
You finished tweaking this tune yet? I wanna hear it! Man that shit rocks. I think it's the best song/recording I have heard on the bbs yet.

I'll try to get the updated mix up by midweek. I'll post to this thread when the mix is updated and uploaded.

I passed your compliment on to the band. Thank you.