Please critique my drum sound and mix.

Also i tried Tuning another snare sample down to see if it added anything to it but i dont think it is mixed in enough to really hear. The snare that was on that clip seemed to have too much pop and not enough weight but i dont think it sounds like i intended.
The AB drums sound WAY better to me. Especially in the cymbals. The first sample has some serious weirdness going on in the cymbals, and a complete absence of "space".
Thanks for the replies. The drum ab clip is all miced drums and no drum replacements . I'm just learning some drum mixing techniques and am trying to practice getting a great sound without sampling . Any thoughts on a transient designer for kicks,snare and toms? And will the use of something like waves maxxbass for kick help with the punch of a kick for rock drums? Any tips would be very helpful.