please check my new mix

Some general thoughts:

I think the electric guitars are too loud relative to the rest of the mix. I think the tone of the guits is midrangey enough, that you don't have to worry about them getting lost if you bring 'em down some. I was grooving on the intro, but when the guitars came in, I lost the bass completely, and almost lost the drums.

If it were me, I'd try to get a thicker bass guitar sound too. Might add to the slammin' sound of this one.

Overall--I'd say you're on to something here. Cool riffs and good playing. If you make some tweaks to the mix, be sure and post again!
thanks alot man I agree on the bass guitar it was different sounded good but I couldn't get the volume of the mix with the bass full I tried everything I could think of I uploaded the tracks for download and mix if you would like feel free to give it a shot...but thanks again man I will keep you updated
Some really good licks and riffs. Very nice builds. I'll leave the mix comments to WhiteStrat and others. The guitar lines are really cool. The guitar tone is also really cool.

bass need more mid range tone i think its plenty bassy. it get totally lost and has no definition. the guitar takes over. the fader level is too high. I know it's the star of the show but it doesn't need to be the loudest thing in the mix. Fit it in better. everything isn't fitting well. i think the tracks are there though.

Wrote while i listened.
bass need more mid range tone i think its plenty bassy. it get totally lost and has no definition. the guitar takes over. the fader level is too high. I know it's the star of the show but it doesn't need to be the loudest thing in the mix. Fit it in better. everything isn't fitting well. i think the tracks are there though.

Wrote while i listened.

I don't understand are you saying that the only thing that needs work is the bass?
I usually create a narrow peak of about 3 - 43 db at 3khz to give my bass tracks definition. Give it a whirl.
no i was saying that the bass was the first thing i noticed that didn't sound right once all the instruments came in. and then i noticed that basically everything didn't really fit well level wise. the guitars were too loud and the bass was totally drowned out because of what i think is the eqing not being boosted in the right spots. i don't know about the drums, guitars just kinda took over my listening experience as i recall.
Pretty good cookie monster stuff....
although even if the singer's growling, I'd still like to hear what he's singing about...:D
Nice guitar tone, drums sound a bit buried to me, kick seems to get lost most of the time although you can hear it click. Needs a bit more work but pretty good.

Joe :):)