PLEASE can someone help with SFARK - SFUNARK (move this thread if necessary!)

Dear Anyone.

When you've quite finished horse-laughing (I tried this thread on another forum and got flamed out of existence!) - I can't unARK ARKED soundfonts!

I download the ARKed soundfont. Double-click on it. SFunARK kicks in and opens a little DOS window which says THIS SOUNDFONT HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY UNARKED.

I now have 2 files - one SOUNDFONTNAME.ARK and one SOUNDFONTNAME.ARK.EXE. So far so good.

Then I double-click on the .EXE one. And I get another little DOS window opening that says 'FILETYPE NOT RECOGNISED - FAILED!' So I downloaded the demo version of ALIVE, that's supposed to be able to decompress soundfonts. And it's telling me that every one of the LOADS of ARKED soundfonts I've downloaded is corrupt or unreadable. I didn't use any download manager when I downloaded them. I used the newest Firefox. SFunARK must partially recognise them because it's getting as far as turning them into a .EXE file. It's from that point on I can't make anything happen!

If the soundfont is a straight .DLL when downloaded (or a zipfile, or 7ZIP file, or .TAR.GZ) then I can use 7ZIP and that works every time. It's just these ARKed ones I'm having problems with (perhaps everyone has problems with the things?)

Please, with cherries on top, what the heck am I doing wrong!!??!!

Yours frustratedly

Dear Bob.

I've GOT SFXT and ALIVE, both of which are supposed to handle ARKED soundfiles.

ALIVE tells me EVERY ONE of the ARKED soundfonts I've downloaded are invalid! SFXT turns the SFARK file into a .EXE file. It's when I double-click on the EXE version that nothing happens (save for the DOS error message). And ALIVE won't open anything, I'm thinking of renaming that bit of junkware DEAD!

Surely Firefox can't have misdownloaded nearly 70 .ARK files? And if it is misdownloading .ARK files, which browser would you use to download them accurately?

It's tantalising. They all look so good but I can't get to try any of them out!

Yours STILL frustratedly

If you read that page I linked, it mentions that there are more than one version of sfARK and the unarking software is not compatible between the two. It's worth a look at those details to see if you simply have incompatible versions of software.

Hope this helps.
