Please Bash! Need Big Bashing!

So far from the beginning I like what I hear except the drums. Sound way to busy and digital. Distortion guitar comes in and dominates the clean guitar.
Drums are irritating!
Bashing done!
Now then.....I like the keys and guitars. I think this song has potential. ;)
this has promise...the drums are lost sound like they are in a different room, I think you were maybe going for a big sound but over did the also sounds like youve got the worlds greatest drummer playing with a homerecorder, no offence...I take it they are midi files that you are using?

the distorted guitar sound like a ball of fizz...turn down everything by 20-25% and see if it sounds better. I like the synth and the other guitars..I also like what you are aiming for..something building up to an epic crescendo...its a good idea but its also a challenge

keep at it dude..youre getting there :)
is this like the allagator game at the arcade? do i bring my own stick?

im dling now, i'll listen in 45 min or so...
I love this feedback...yeah I also thought the drums were out of place...I'm working on them now. I'm using Addictive Drums because I don't have a good drum mic set so this'll have to do for now :) I'll turn the guitars down and see how that sounds...I still need to add bass as well.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Much better bro! I really like this song! I really like the guitars!
With some vox and good drums this would be a really sweet tune! Fake drums are really hard to get to sound good! They sound better now that they are not so busy on the intro. I think maybe some more kick may help.