Playin' soft synths with an outboard keyboard


New member
Can someone point me to a good FAQ/How-to for MIDI newbies/dumbasses on Using a keyboard to play/record softsynths in realtime? I'm trying to do it with an Aardvark Q10 as my interface and Sonar 3. And not having much luck.

It should be in your Sonar 3 manual under 'recording midi tracks' or 'new midi tracks' or 'midi tracks' or 'tracks; midi'.

The basic formula goes like this -- set up a new blank track to recieve on the midi channel of your choice, then assign a soft synth to that track, then put the software in record and play the desired bit. I bet if you fool around with it for an hour or so you'll stumble on it and by tomorrow it will be second nature...

And that's probably a better way to learn than trying to make sense out of any written explanation.
I started to answer this question and then I realized that I don't really have enough information.

Is your Q10 setup and working? Can you send and receive MIDI with it? In SONAR, what softsynths are you using? Have you got them installed and available within the program?

Once we narrow down your question a little more, then we can give you some help.

It should be in your Sonar 3 manual under 'recording midi tracks' or 'new midi tracks' or 'midi tracks' or 'tracks; midi'.

I haven't had a second to mess with any of this stuff since I wrote the first post. I was following the Sonar manual's directions to a tee and not having any luck. I thought maybe it had more to do with my Keyboard or the Aardvark. If I ever get a chance to mess wth this stuff some more, I'll post exacly what I'm doing so y'all might tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Ptron said:
I haven't had a second to mess with any of this stuff since I wrote the first post. I was following the Sonar manual's directions to a tee and not having any luck. I thought maybe it had more to do with my Keyboard or the Aardvark. If I ever get a chance to mess wth this stuff some more, I'll post exacly what I'm doing so y'all might tell me what I'm doing wrong.

The Q10 should be just fine, unless it's faulty. I use a Q10 with Sonar 2.2 and both audio and MIDI work like a charm, with no noticeable latency using ASIO.