plain ole magix or should I get something else???


New member
I'm currently recording with Magix studio cos' it cost $30. I could probably find somewhere some better software (online or I could even buy it), would this software change make any difference in the sound at all, apart from possibly being more flexible?
oh no here we go again

magic is THE DEAL imho. i use audio studio v7. together with powertracks. ive been recording for 25 yrs. so what ?
all and i mean ALL multitrack software NOW , different from a few years back lets you get damn fine recordings.
the ONLY difference to THE SOUND is the quality of the a/d/a
convertors in the soundcard, good mics and good pre's.
software now is inconsequential. imho. the only other thing that counts is how good a songwriter and audio engineer you are.
so get writing some good songs.
I had some Magix software once, but it was strictly 16 bit. I would look for something that's 24 bit. If money is a concern, check out N-Track.

twist your wrong

i just checked my magix audio studio v7 documentation.
it will record in 32 bit float( which is better than 24 bit !!)
and up to 96khz !! the options from the documentation dont appear if you have a normal sound card thats 16 bit.