Pitch Shifting Delays - Please Help!


New member
Hi, This is my first post to homerecording.com, although I have been reading for quite some time.
My question is about what i guess you would call pitch shifting delays. I've been searching for a long time for a unit that will allow me to have a transposed note on each repeat. I find it difficult to explain what I mean, Click here to hear what I mean(only 95kb) (listen for when the voclaist says "no."...
Is this type of thing available in a stand-alone unit?
Any help would be great.

That sounds like just an echo. Are you using software/pc, or hardware? Most software has some echo plugin, or you can download some free vst's for this. I have one that emulates a tape delay, and it will speed up/slow down and alter the pitch a bit. I'm sure there are hardware units that also do this, but since I don't have any, can't help there.

let us know your equipement, and someone will probably have a better answer.
There are units that do this but you can just take a delay and send it to a pitch shifter and send an aux off the pitch shifter back into the delay. You have to be careful about the levels you send back into the loop so it doesn't get out of control.
IMO, the guy was just doing that with his voice. But you might be able to do it if your delay has separate LFO depth and speed controls.
Cheers for the speedy responses. I guess it is just an old echo machine, with someone manually cranking the dial...
I'm actually looking for something that I can use live and in studio.
Good luck finding a digital delay with knobs. I haven't seen one since the mid 80's. Check ebay.
That sounds like a straight echo to me. However, a great unit that will do echoes and all sorts of pitch shift delays is the Kurzweil Mangler. It's an excellent fx box in my opinion.
i have a digitech, you can pick the quad up really cheap. That does the exact effect and is simple to program and set up