Pink noise and acoustical deterrents


New member
At the risk of receiving the wrath of HR power's that be, given the gravity of certain events that are happening outside the realm of audio recording enthusiasm, while understanding many of you may not be aware of the deeper implications of events occurring before your very eyes, I have come to the conclusion, it is far more important to share information outside the sphere of this forum than to acquiesce to rules and conventions of HR, as should push come to shove, HR will simply become a MOOT footnote in the history of the internet. In that light, I must admit, my chosen heading, was a misnomer. In reality, while indeed, the heading subject is relative, it was misleading as my purpose was subversive. However, before you leave, let me explain.

As of yesterday, while I'm sure there isn't one person who reads this that isn't aware of the revelations of Edward Snowden I'm equally sure, that there probably isn't one of you who follow nor are aware of the darker side of the propaganda war for your mind, nor the full NON-MSM disclosures occurring on a daily basis. In that light, please understand..make no MISTAKE..the WAR has began for the future of the internet. As of yesterday, the full on Monte of NSA transgression into YOUR digital life was exposed in all it's insidious reality. As this information is beyond comprehension, it now becomes the responsibility of anyone who truly cares about your and your familys future, to spread this information as far and as wide as you possibly can, as the entire internet is at stake now, Totalitarianism in YOUR lifetime notwithstanding. To those who would scoff, laugh, roll your eyes, or exhibit other similar adolescent reactions, I can only offer my condolences, as you have no idea what lays ahead should the people of this nation simply shrug and yawn. In that light, for those of you who understand the importance of paying attention to the clues of real, impending battle for your inherent civil liberties, watch full.

And then read this to understand my heading.

The Captain's Journal » NSA Spying

To the HR mods and power's that be. Should you decide HR's "rules" are more important than what I just posted, so be it. It will only highlight how narrow your view is of the world at large.

We now return you to your previously scheduled mindset, which is exactly what the elite hope you will do. Good luck.
Without bothering to look at your links, WTF has this got to do with Studio Building and Acoustic Treatment? This should be in The Cave.
Without bothering to look at your links, WTF has this got to do with Studio Building and Acoustic Treatment? This should be in The Cave.

Priceless. Living proof the clueless remain clueless.
Hey, you could be a politician,

Hey, King George 111 is laughing his ass off too. That was exactly what he hoped you'd say.

nice way to avoid the fact that this is in the wrong section of the forum.

It wasn't. You are precisely why I put it where I did. And btw, nice way to ignore the fact you don't have a clue.
Is it possible to not ignore when one has no clue?
Absolutely. It's called curiosity. In reality, I GAVE a clue. Click on it and see what your government is doing to you.

Let me add this. The reason I posted that here, is the information given within the context of the link, is so profound, it supersedes any rules, regulations or whatever on every single site within the internet. Figure it this way. If a STATE mandated emergency broadcast interrupted your Miley Cyrus viewing to inform you a flood was flowing towards your town, what would you do? In this case, the information contained within, is being "withheld" by MSM, as the PTB do NOT want you to see it. The reason you know what a 1kilowat RF signal will do to you within three feet of your body? What if I told you, the NSA "interdicts" new computers being shipped from various vendors, whereby they open them up and insert spying equipment within the computer, and then ships it to the targeted customer? Would you believe me? Well, that's WHY I posted this here. You won't find out otherwise unless you are follow civil liberty information sources.

Whatever ... I guess no one else wants to argue with you ...

Argue? I didn't post this to argue. I posted it to GIVE you a clue to your future dimwit. If people want to argue with the messenger, I don't give a flying fuck. It's their future. However, it's par for HR. Adolescents don't like to be told they are about to DIE, if they don't get off the fucking road.
Absolutely. It's called curiosity. In reality, I GAVE a clue. Click on it and see what your government is doing to you.

Let me add this. The reason I posted that here, is the information given within the context of the link, is so profound, it supersedes any rules, regulations or whatever on every single site within the internet. Figure it this way. If a STATE mandated emergency broadcast interrupted your Miley Cyrus viewing to inform you a flood was flowing towards your town, what would you do? In this case, the information contained within, is being "withheld" by MSM, as the PTB do NOT want you to see it. The reason you know what a 1kilowat RF signal will do to you within three feet of your body? What if I told you, the NSA "interdicts" new computers being shipped from various vendors, whereby they open them up and insert spying equipment within the computer, and then ships it to the targeted customer? Would you believe me? Well, that's WHY I posted this here. You won't find out otherwise unless you are follow civil liberty information sources.

Argue? I didn't post this to argue. I posted it to GIVE you a clue to your future dimwit. If people want to argue with the messenger, I don't give a flying fuck. It's their future. However, it's par for HR. Adolescents don't like to be told they are about to DIE, if they don't get off the fucking road.

I'm not sure why you'd want people on board. If everyone joins you, you'd have no one to call a fucking idiot. Typical superior attitude of the NWO-fearing moron brigade. WWAAAKKKEEE UUUUPPPP yourself, douche balls.
In case anyone thinks I'm done with this,..think again.

I'm not sure why you'd want people on board.

On board? Shades of Thomas Payne.


quote.:'If everyone joins you, you'd have no one to call a fucking idiot."unquote


Joins ME???????????????????????????????????

fucking idiot indeed.

Typical superior attitude of the NWO-fearing moron brigade. WWAAAKKKEEE UUUUPPPP yourself, douche balls.

Says one who skipped class the day they discussed General Warrants.

Son...good luck.
btw Mr. Deep...the next time you think you've got a grip on reality...I suggest you take a DEEP breath first.

Aaron Swartz makes you look like the buffoon you really are.
I'm really glad that I'm not crazy. :)

Hey everyone, line your windows with tin foil, they're trying to read our minds! Maybe I should go stand on a corner with a sandwich sign advertising that the end is near? Nah, it's all been done. So unoriginal.

Sounds like someone has "drank the Kool-Aid". Google that term if you don't get it.
btw Mr. Deep...the next time you think you've got a grip on reality...I suggest you take a DEEP breath first.

Aaron Swartz makes you look like the buffoon you really are.

I think you missed my point. What I'm saying is that you and those like you who I encounter, who might have a perfectly reasonable and credible point to make, do so in such an adversarial and vitriolic manner it simply puts people off from listening. The style of my post was meant as a satire of your post and the myriad posts like it I've seen.