PiltdownMan here... no Christians allowed :-)


New member
Thanks to the helpful advice and assistance of HR.com members, I have a new MP3 ripper that does a much better job, and my 128Kb rips now sound much better. So for those of you who had trouble with the 160 kb streams, this should work a little better. I've changed them all to 128 kb. Right now only Butterfly Kisses is up, but several others should be up later tonight.

This song is VERY dark and has some "bad" words in it. But I'm kinda proud of the lyrics, and I think it's pretty original. Give it the "treatment," and let me know where it needs work.

Thanks, as always.



Butterfly Kisses

Heaven, I guess, is a violent abscess that takes over your skin.
Like a virus, it feeds, while your intellect bleeds
From your eyes and your ears and your sick, purple grin.
It kills you with pleasure, or it kills you with pain.
You can choose how you suffer, but you’ll still go insane.
So where will this take us, and when do we leave?
I want to contribute. I need to believe.

Butterfly kisses and timebomb wishes.
Like flowery words, they make me suspicious.
Come, fly around me, you angels of sin.
We can divebomb the masses.
Let the carnage begin.

Is this what we wanted?
Is this all we have?
Blood aphrodisiacs and bile as a salve?
We can beg for forgiveness, but the gods aren’t concerned.
They lick chaos from mushrooms while their subjects are burned.

Absorb the delightful and breathe the sublime.
It’s an ambush, you fuckface – a Death paradigm.
Like a poisonous insect with a beautiful shell,
It will promise you heaven, then fuck you in hell.

Look at me friend. Do I look like I care?
There’s no joy to be had. There’s just pain we can share.
You can struggle to win. You may dream you can fly.
In the end we all suffer. In the end we all die.
I refuse to read your lyrics, and I don't think you should post them. If we have to have the lyrics to read while we listen to the song, the mix is a failure.

These are lyrically driven pop songs.

The listener should never, for a split second, ever feel that there will 'be a challenge' coming to undertand the lyrics.

I will not read the lyrics before reviewing the tune.
What an ass. Don't listen to my songs ever again. If you tell me you can understand every lyric to every pop song you've ever heard, you're a pathological liar. I put the lyrics up there in case there was a word or two people couldn't understand or hadn't heard before. I try to do it on all my songs, because I use words like trephination, which I'm sure you have now idea the meaning of, being the illiterate, hillbilly bastard you are. If you actually listened to the song, you'd find that virtually every lyric is understandable. You suck.

I hate you.

What an informative, tolerant post. Nazi.
The saw-tooth pad was a bit loud in the mix. Otherwise, this is a very original and creative piece of work.

I think the lyrics were clear and understandable enough that the posting of the lyrics was not necessary and probably dis-tasteful to some on this board.

I am not a Christian myself, but, even I was taken aback by the subject matter and gratuitous posting of them.

Cheers! :)
Okay, again, I try to post all my lyrics with my songs. This happens to be a darker song with a few bad words in it. Sorry as hell.

Fine... never again will I post a lyric, even though I was requested to on one song (that had the word "trephination" in it) because someone didn't know what I was saying there. I was trying to be accommodating.

Jeez, it's so easy to piss people off on this board.

By the way, where does it say in the bylaws that the songs posted on here must be "lyrically driven pop songs"? What a crock. Half the stuff I've listened to here has been way weird. And half the stuff I can't understand half the vocals on.

Can we not have a wide variety of songs from country to pop to avant garde? For Christ's sake, I just saw a post from a guy whose song name was "Don't Let the Pussy Cool Off," and he had, like, 500 views and 100 responses!

I'm sorry my song offended you.

Also, sorry if I'm a little bit defensive. I didn't realize this would be so controversial. What the hell was it that made everyone so angry? The Christian comment? That was just a warning!

Oh, well. C'est la vie.
Okay, I'm obviously riled, and I've only had two posts. Let the flames begin.

You people watch COPS and the Real World and the Osbournes and whatever the hell else I don't know about because I rarely turn on a TV, and these lyrics were offensive to you? My posting them was distasteful?!

What's wrong with looking at the dark side of war, depression, irrational hatred and ignorance?

You watch CNN and see people killing people over religious beliefs. You watch stories of Jeffry Dahmer dismembering young boys or men. You watch stories of snipers that kill people at random, and you think there's nothing to be written about that? The world is full of evil. This may not be a sunny, light song about bunnies and kittens, but it is a song about unkept promises, heartless leaders and dishonest people. Sorry if you don't believe they exist.

When I came here, I thought this was a board of tolerant, intelligent artists that would listen to anything with an open mind and an intellectual bent. I see now that if I want to be accepted, I have to write songs about sex, drugs and rock and roll, or I'll be Pildown Man the pariah.

I'm trying to cool off, but, man, that got under my skin. Sorry again.
It's been my experience on this bbs that if you want to be part of the family and respected by the majority of the membership that you don't flame a person who is very capable of offering real mixing and compositional advice and you should never harshly critique a critique.

I don't make these rules up as I go along. I am merely encapsulating the many posts I have read here that attest to this custom.

It would be a shame if you lose it and get all pissed about it but, politics and religion are sacred cows to many here and no matter how nicely you warn people about what you are about to do, they will never accept it that easily and leave you to go about your business.

If you want healthy dialogue about your lyrics, post them over at the Dragon Cave forum. I am sure there you can more safely defend your views and not alienate the very people that you ask advice of.

Think about it.

Cheers! :)
Review of 'Butterfly Kisses'

You misunderstand my motivations, I'll explain them later, here is the review first :

Oh ... Dr. Seuss in da house ... ok ... I like, Sluice loves this kind of thing.

Ahhh, avant garde hip hop ?
By 00:43 you have me very interested ...
You were zappa in a previous life ... or maybe he was you.

Groucho is gonna love this shit ... or hate it ... ROFL !!!

Nice touch on the guitar, very consistent picking, is that real guitar ?

Me and Sluice could do those vocal oooooo's ... but I'd probably start bleeding from all my pores ... and get everything all messy ... I hate when that happens.

3:15, middle easternish , very nice curveball, I'm swinging !

Ahhh, the swells again ...

Well, I'm having absolutely no neurotic thoughts of having trouble understanding the lyrics.

This is a very interesting 'genre hopper', I think B.SABBATH and samicide are gonna like too.


Ok you sensitive artist, you've probably had to much damn KOFFEE SEIG HEIL dadnumblast it ... hold on I gotta get this here piece a' corn out my dentures .... yeeeehaawww...

No SERIOUSLY, you have misunderstood what your fellow member on the board is doing.

I want you to avoid at ALL COSTS mixing your vocal where we cannot understand topics like draining the brain with a wizard's sharp stick !!!

Perhaps I'm going a little overboard on the lyrics thing, but If I push you really, really hard on the issue, we'll get a better vocal mix.

And that's all I give a damn about, is a better mix, for you, or me.

You are NOT the first talented vocalist that I have stunned with this technique.


And you'll have your turn.

And let some pressure off that big brain or I'll have my hill-billy friends trephinate you with Dr. Fibes old pecan cracker ...

Sorry if I offended.
Sorry, I lost my cool. I guess I didn't understand this site well. I'm still a newbie, as you can see.

I've seen other people post their lyrics here. I thought that was okay. I didn't realize they had to be PC lyrics if one were going to post them.

Studioviols, my apologies. I was a little perturbed that you wouldn't even listen to my song simply because I posted the lyrics. Thank you for the listen.

Ghost, my apologies. After hearing some of the songs I've heard here, I didn't realize my song would piss everyone off. I did take your mix criticisms to heart. But the fact that you called it distasteful for me to post my lyrics bothered me. I've posted lyrics before and didn't get flamed.

Sorry for the offense to everyone. I'll try to limit my posts to my non-offensive songs and find another site for the one's that no one can handle.

This is why the Europeans can see boobs on TV and we can't. Everyone's so uptight.


Honestly, I'm really sorry if I made anyone angry. Just thought the lyrics were creative and socially aware.
I want to further crystallize what I'm doing here as a board member, in your interests PiltdownMan.

I was 'trying' to say that I would not read the lyrics UNTIL AFTER I listened to and reviewed the song.

And I understand the hotheaded artist - I AM ONE DAMNIT !!!

But anywayz ...

If I read the lyrics, which I wanted to very much, because I love dark socially bitch slapping lyrics, I love 'em !

But if I read the lyrics I destroy my ability to accurately follow my 'first listen' rule.

My 'first listen' rule is that I have to understand the lyrics, and even if you don't want it to be ... all songs are 'lyrically driven' ... otherwise, technically speaking, they are instrumentals.

And I realize, from my work on this board in fact, that there are some Genre where the lyrics have varying degrees of importance, and I mean 'IN THE MIX'. I mean the 'phonetic disposition' of the lyrics and the 'percieved diction' of the singer.

In other words, can we understand the words, and how hard do we have to 'work' to understand the words.

Your song 'Everyone Will See' is very lyrically driven, the rythm of the words precisely emulates the rythm of the instruments, the melody of the lyrics matches the melodic material in the song, the lyrics are extremely and closely attached to the musical piece overall very closely. And that makes it 'lyrically driven'.

When you can command a listener's attention to the lyrical line, by carefully crafting the melody and rythm of the syntax to the piece of music, you have a gift.

But you cannot mix the vocal as an instrument, a line level, or wooden or machine instrument, in a song of this type. We must understand the lyrics the first time around.

That's why I didn't want to read the lyrics as I reviewed your second song. The second song is actually very, very different, and I would venture to say that you will probably write in many different styles effortlessly.

I think you have a spark of brilliance in what you are doing, like Sluice, and I am going to do everything I can to make your mixes better, even if it pisses you off.

Because if you don't have a good mix, I can't collaborate, there's no room for my instruments or my contributions ;-)

I am a complex and complicated 'sumnbitch' and sometimes I am tripping over my own brain, and yes I overanalyze ...

Toki, one of my favorites is so laid back, but even he can get very intense analytically on a song, and we all do.


Well, written, comrade. I am humbled and totally retract my "hillbilly bastard" comment from a previous post. You are, obviously, exactly the intellectual reviewer I am seeking on this post, and I'm hoping I didn't alienate you with my hot-headed defensiveness. I was out of control, as I've admitted to, and I apologize.

I was just a bit afraid that this board was going to turn into a bunch of Justin Timberlake lovers who wouldn't listen to something that had an "edge."

I tend to write "out there" songs (and use a lot of quotation marks), and I didnt' want to feel like I'd wasted my $30 on NoWhereRadio if no one was going go listen to any of my songs.

I appreciate your tolerance of my rant, and I hope I didn't burn any bridges by being such a drama queen. I was married to an "activist" for five years (recently divorced), so I'm on a hair trigger.

Again, my apologies to anyone I offended. I'll try to keep my posts more mainstream from now on.


Pildown Ass
studioviols said:
I refuse to read your lyrics, and I don't think you should post them. If we have to have the lyrics to read while we listen to the song, the mix is a failure.

These are lyrically driven pop songs.

The listener should never, for a split second, ever feel that there will 'be a challenge' coming to undertand the lyrics.

I will not read the lyrics before reviewing the tune.

KILL YOURSELF!!! DO IT NOW!!! These are the most ignorant fucking comments I have seen on this BBS. You sound like a fucking record executive! A fucking synthetically pruned, vanilla asstight.....who tries to homogenize every goddamn thing down into a nice little effigy of your own brick-picker. KILL YOURSELF!!! This is not a joke. You will be added to my ignore list....and hopefully will DIE very soon!


P.S. My apologies to Piltmandown for the diatribe, but this type of fucking mentality is my biggest pet-peeve! I will listen to your song and give you a review.
Sorry, I have one more thing to say.

Studio: What about Louie Louie? What about La Grange by ZZTop? What about death metal? What about Beck, for God's sake? Occasionally there are artists who write music that is so compelling that you don't actually have to know the lyrics to enjoy it. How many people know that "Loser" by Beck says , Soy un Perdedor (check my spelling) in the chorus? It's Spanish for "I'm a loser." How many people know that?

I'm not defending your stance on mixes in which you can understand the lyrics, per se. But I listen to Slipknot, whose lyrics I can understand 43.5% of, but I still enjoy the energy and in-your-faceness of their music.

Again, I'm not arguing with you, but I was a little offended that my posting my lyrics was so controversial to you. I love it when bands put lyrics in their CD jackets, because 90% of the time, you can't understand a word they're saying.

Sorry, don't mean to get off topic. Just attempting an intellectual debate (or a rationalized defense of my posting my lyrics!). :-)

Peace, love and harmony to all.
Keep in mind, I live in Evansville, Indiana, so I'm used to being ostracized and stigmatized. That makes me a little on edge.

Sorry, not trying to bump my posts, these thoughts just come to me in fits and starts.

Piltdown Freak

My apologies to you as well. I didn't intend on being the voice of the moral majority. I would be a very poor spokesmen for their cause as some of my lyrics would bare witness to.

Your music does not offend me personally. I actually enjoy it very much and I admire the fortitude of the social statements you put into your craft.

Keep up the fine, very creative and original work.

Cheers! :)
When you are rich and famous, and have a 'signature' sound you can take liberties, of course. The songs you quote have a huge amount of Public Relations energy, marketing, and developement behing the group itself, you don't need to understand the Grateful Dead's lyrics, fans would buy their CD's with nothing on it at all, and appreciate it, how they got there is the issue.

I have developed a criteria for vocal mix and I'll restate it here just for practice.

There are about 4 groups of criteria that may govern how a vocal is mixed :

01. That the listener understand the lyric without ever feeling for a second, for an instant that they will be challened to 'pick the actual words' out of the mix. A clear and completely understandable lyric even vor the weakest ear.

02. That the listener by listening very, very carefully can understand all of the words on the first listening, and they won't mind that they cannot understand all of the lyrics 'easily' and not completely share in the 'story' and the 'images' painted by the songwriting This type of song may use loud exletives and hooking words. There may not be a story at all.

03. Lyrics are not really totally important, that the listener miss a few lyrics is cool, because the other things going on in the song are just as interesting or more so.

04. Lyrics are not important, the voices are really instruments, all words are 'affected' this is closer to an instrumental than an actual song. The voices could be samples and they would be just as effective for our purposes.

And I continue to study this, and how to mix a vocal effectively in the many different Genre of music that are out there.
Ouch. Sorry I started this. I just wanted someone to listen to a song I thought was somewhat insightful regarding the hell-in-a-handbasket state of the world. I knew there were a couple of bad words, but I didn't realize the content would cause such strife. That's exactly the shit I'm talking about! Why can't we all just get along?!

This song was meant to be a commentary on the devisiveness inherent in our world -- something we should work on for the future -- and it's turned into the exact "you-against-me" partisanship that I hate!

Look, if you don't like the sentiment or the lyrics or whatever, don't listen!

If you understand the underlying message and don't mind a few words that society has deemed "unacceptable," then let me know what you think. IT'S THAT EASY!

Piltdown Instigator
The Ghost of FM

The Ghost of FM :

I have been trying to get to your URL to check out your tunes. I look forward to your development and contributions on the board.

The page is only loading sporadically and not fully. And I just sparked a new image and thorougly scanned the new installation after all this virus crap ... maybe it is the virus crap affecting the server.

Would you repost some of your stuff on nowhereradio.com please and send me a PM of the link.