Piltdown Man here... took your advice to heart...

Almost forgot...

Here's the lyrics. I'll try to do this from now on.

You can tout your jagged scar of blind devotion
You can keep on telling me that I’m emotion-less
A victim of excess

You can wear your tattered badge of absolution
Stick it in my face and tell me I’m solution-less
But now I must confess

I don’t know what you can say to me
You can pray to me
Then everyone will see
I don’t know what you can say to me
You can pray to me
Then everyone will see, who you are

You can try to tailor me to your perception
Look me in the eye and tell me you’re deception-less
I will not acquiesce

You can work to fit me into your conclusion
You can slink around and tell me you’re delusion-less
But this is not a test


You may want me to live
But I’d rather die

You can make me fit into your definition
I can see inside and tell you’re not perdition-less
A believer in distress

Now it’s time to save you from your sick prostration
And send you to a heaven that’s discrimination-less
Let it all make sense

That sounds much better and far more balanced then the original!

I really like the track now and am not distracted by the short comings of the first mix.

I can hear the bass guitar now.

The drums sit nicely in the mix.

The vocals are more intelligible as well but might still be a touch low and maybe need a slight boost around 4khz.....don't hate me.:D

Nice job!
slow because of the 160khz sampling rate. I don't think the site is capable of much more then 128 when they are flowing normally.

I have a 1.5meg DSL connection and it did hick-up on me a couple of times but I didn't want to mention that till you brought it up!

Cheers! :)
Hate you, Ghost? Never!

You and your cronies have made this song MUCH better than it was! I thought I had it, but you showed me the weaknesses. I like it much better now.

I have more songs in progress. I'm looking forward to getting your input.

Sorry about the 160 khz.

I'm testing a new MP3 ripper, and I went overboard. I'll see what the new one sounds like at 128.

Thanks, again!
PiltdownMan said:
You and your cronies

Actually, I don't think I have any cronies on this bbs quite yet. Ever since I semi-trashed the stellar reputation of flat9's big production number, I may be the newest favourite enemy of the forum only.

But, who knows, maybe time will pass and the gang will find someone worse then me to shun?

Thanks any way! Cheers!:)
Does this site have the BLASTER virus? Soooooo sloooooow.

Anyway... I just subscribed to NoWhereRadio's "more space" deal... so look for more music from me in the near furture. I no longer have to limit myselft to three songs! Rock on!

I really appreciate your input!
the double tracked guitars sound much better, but the guitar that hits in the center needs to be a different sound. something totally void of lows and low mids. over emphasize the sizzle on the top end for a cool effect. i'm hearing a totally destructed guitar thing in my head (a-la Reznor) for that sound.

might not work for you though.

i would at least grab an eq and start smoothing the sound out.

just IMHO.

still like the song though.
The mix got better piltdown, good job.

Listen to Devo, their voices, horribly clear, grating on you, irratating in their nasal and absolute clarity ... made them TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

You have a long way to go with submiting to the vocal chords that are your gift. Submit, release, take all those effects off and so many other things become immidiately clear about your mix.

The song is killer, and more like it will be even better.

A dry vocal gives us all the opportunity to give you suggestions on how to mix the vocal, a sopping we vocal ... just leaves us wondering how it might be mixed ...
Groovy tune, I like the signiture riff a lot and the mood of the song, has a bit of that late 80s punk to it. That power chord shift in the verse is some nice arranging.

The doubled guitars are too dominating IMO. I think they could be backed off a bit and given some room to breath.