Piltdown Man here... Did You and Mary Have Sexual Intercourse?

"Just like regular chickens...." I remember seeing this David Lynch classic at the midnight show in Santa Monica way back then. Thanks for the garmonbozia.........................?
Well, I can't stand to see a man hanging out there with no responses, so I'll chime in and say that the sample got a bit repetetive for my taste. Not sure what else to comment on here. It's not really a "critique the mix" kinda tune, is it?

I liked the ideas that were flowing through my head as I was listening to this but, I kept expecting to hear you wonderful vocals start coming out with some hurtin' guitars and they never showed up!:(

The samples are too repetitive all by their lonesome without anything much else to go with them.

Add more differing samples and put some words of your own into it and I think you will have something there.

Write some lyrics about a suspicious old girlfriend that you broke up with or something like that!

The basics of what you have there so far, sound smooth enough.

Cheers! :)

ps, glad to see you fighting the good fight against the bottle. I grew up surrounded by that situation and it wasn't easy. Hang in there, man!:cool:
I think you have shown a real good knack for drum programming and bass accompaniment. Real solid stuff on the rhythm section again Piltdown. I like your fx usage too, but in this case I can see the complaints about over using the samples having some validity.

What are you using for your percussion samples?
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I was pretty sure I was not going to love this tune after scanning the posts and hearing "repetative samples".

OK, I did not love it, but I liked it a whole lot. A lot more than I expected. I really did not get bored (which I usually do with this style). The beat was very engaging. Background music was cool. Samples were well placed. Yes, a little repetative but I think that was some of the point. With that said, I think it would have been cool with some singing coming in at 2:10 or 2:30 or even earlier, but it is nice as is.

I thought the mix was nice. Nice space and levels. Good work!
I can see

The opening as an intro to a song, it would be very cool. Repeatedly pulling clips and inserting them over a drum track--frankly got boring.