Pics of Pawnshop '79 P-Bass Score !!


Active member
Here's the receipt and pics of '79 P-Bass.






A pic of both the '79 P-Bass & '74 Jazz Bass: $180 for the P, and $64.64 for the '74 Jazz out the door at same pawnshop.

...Step away from the pool...

Man! That makes me nervous seeing those guitars on the edge of the pool! Move 'em, quick!
Don't you need to add a couple of 000's to the end of the prices? That is crazy.

Kinda cool to compare the shapes of the two necks and bodies. Didn't realize the Jazz neck flared out so much more than the Precision.
for the amps and the pool. Now you will surely rot in hell.

Unless you give me one. :D

Please, Please don't curse me,and I really don't want to go to hell. What will it take for you to keep the bad voodoo away from me? If I carry around bad mojo I may never score big in the pawnshops again. ;)
Oh, I'm guessing about $2500+, for both, on Evilbay. Good score.:mad:;)
Oh, and that Jazz need a nice red tort pickguard...
I'm gonna go to my room and cry now...
Even hot they'd go for more than that!
You'd not take the risk for such small change surely.
If you feel the need to shoo the voodoo I'll tell you what to doo doo.
Send them to me.
With a sales receipt from the pawnshop the risk is minimal for the reward. Assume they are legit. Nothing dishonest about that.

Nice scores.

With serial numbers and those changes, the real owner(s) might find you one day ...

I really don't think they're stolen. The economy is really bad in that town and has been for a while. People are REALLY hurting for money and are having to make sacrifices even if it means getting rid of vintage equipment. The thing that also helps the insanely low prices is that the pawnshop workers are totally clueless. I'm just fine with that and hope to mine the store for future give away deals on vintage guitars,basses,amps,etc.:)
