Philips CD Burner vs. Tascam CD-RW700


New member
Hi everyone...

I've been using a Philips CDR775 burner for the past two years (mixing down from my Akai DPS16). I've heard really good things about the Tascam CD-RW700, but I'm not sure it's worth the $500 for me to "upgrade."

Is there a substantial difference between the two machines? Someone mentioned that the level meters on the Tascam were much more accurate, and allowed for "hotter" mixes. Does anyone else find that to be true?

I like the fact that the Tascam uses the less expensive CD-R discs (as opposed to the Philips, which only takes Digital Audio discs). I've also had severe problems with the brand of disc that the Philips will take...I've settled in on using mostly Sony and Fuji discs, after much experimenting and a lot of wasted $$$.

Thanks to all in advance for your input and guidance.
Yo Bob-O:]

Before Bruce gets here to tell you to buy an Alesis Masterlink, I will say, Buy an Alesis Masterlink.

But, if that is not in your budget, I'd call a vendor or vendors and RENT a Tascam for 90 days or less if you can and see if it works for you.

Or if you're near a big vendor you might be able to rent one for a week and give it a shakedown.

Or, is it possible to buy a CD burner from Akai? Not familiar with your rig. I use the Yam 2816 and the burner is built-in -- works great.

And, lastly, I'd wait until after January 1 to buy any new gear. The deals will be better when the vendors wonder how they can move the stock they didn't sell during the holiday season.

Green Hornet :D :D :cool: