percussions - what reverb??


New member
I am using percussion "loops" from RMX in an intimate chilly chamber orchestra arrangement.
I like to know, what type of reverb should I use. I like to know where to start?

For me the Hall reverb what I use for the orchestra is not good for the percussion loop.

Yo Night of the Triffids:

Why not try the track with NO reverb? If that doesn't work, maybe "stage reverb?"

Drum patches today usually have enough reverb. If you are doing "live" drums, I'm not sure if you need any added reverb if you have a decent room.

Sometimes it might take 12 takes to get what you want, and that could be minimal!

Green Hornet:cool:
I usually stick with putting some verb on the snare only. Other than that, maybe I'll put some "room" on the overheads. But thats only if the space I'm recording in is unusually dry. Lots of the reverb for the kit should come off of room microphones or the overheads.
Go easy on the reverb.

Don't assume that you will be adding any reverb, although it sounds like your orchestra may need it.

I'd suggest first making a complete mix and then using additional reverb only to solve problems, like a voice or instrument sounding naked and having no "sense of place", or to create a sense of front-to-back dimensionality in a crowded mix.

If there aren't any actual problems, you can't "fix" them with reverb!
